Get off my path by jgpittenger

Get off my path

Best on black to see the threatening tongue. I saw this snake on our hike and when I stopped to take a few shots with my phone, he coiled up and warned me off! So glad we don't have poisonous snakes here!
Thanks for your visits, comments, suggestions, favs. Our internet is finally a bit better...that is to say it no longer takes 5 minutes to open one of your photos for my viewing. If there are any of your photos from the last week that you wish I had seen and commented on, please let me know
Not sure I would want to mess with it! Great shot easy fav :)
April 26th, 2020  
He’s very beautiful but I would be quite shocked to come across a snake when I was out. I have never seen one in the UK although I do know there are lots of fairly safe ones specially in the south.
April 26th, 2020  
Great capture. Fav!! 😀
April 26th, 2020  
You are much braver than I. Any snake scares me.
April 26th, 2020  
Great shot. fav
April 26th, 2020  
That is scary - great that you had a camera on you!
April 26th, 2020  
beautiful, I do like snakes :)
April 26th, 2020  
I can barely even look at pictures of snakes
April 26th, 2020  
Oh no! I think I would have run a mile!
April 26th, 2020  
a great sight to see... from here
April 26th, 2020  
Very nice shot of the snake. We do have poisonous snakes, rattlesnakes. The type we have is timid and tries to avoid encounters fortunately. As for what photos, you might search on the tag darkroom-duotone to see the different shots people came up with trying to learn the technique.
April 26th, 2020  
Great sighting, the head does look rather wide
April 26th, 2020  
He is a beauty, although I wouldn't fancy being too close to some of our snakes, some here are deadly.
April 27th, 2020  
Yikes! Super shot of this beautiful snake.
April 27th, 2020  
How interesting that you have no poisonous snakes. Great focus... I think he's watching you intently.
April 27th, 2020  
Nice capture!
April 27th, 2020  
Great shot. Not sure I could have held the camera still enough to get a shot of this guy. Looks really bad.
April 27th, 2020  
I'm ok as long as I see them first from a little distance - they terrify me when I don't see them until I'm about to step on them. This is a really neat shot.
April 27th, 2020  
Since most of our snakes are highly venomous the hairs on the back of my neck stand up immediately when I see one. Great image though. What sort of snake is that one?
April 27th, 2020  
What a great capture - but still scary as our snakes are venomous!!
April 27th, 2020  
Would not like to meet him on my path
April 27th, 2020  
Beautifully sensuous coils, glad he was harmless. I must be the only commenter who quite likes snakes (the harmless ones anyway), they have such a bad press
April 27th, 2020  
I'm glad that it's not poisonous, but I would still find that much too close for comfort.
April 27th, 2020  
April 27th, 2020  
I hope you were using a very long lens
April 27th, 2020  
A super capture, not my favourite subject though!!
April 27th, 2020  
Yikes that’s scary
April 27th, 2020  
@golftragic some k8nd of garter snake I think
April 27th, 2020  
@monicac lol! My cell phone!
April 27th, 2020  
April 27th, 2020  
@jgpittenger Thanks Jane.
April 28th, 2020  
Great shot.
April 28th, 2020  
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