Cracks and Crevices At Lipan Point B and W by jgpittenger

Cracks and Crevices At Lipan Point B and W

For @taffy's B and W theme. The clouds for the last two days have been over the top stunning so I left the sky in the shot too. I thought the two outer shadows looked like Mexican hat dancers.
Thanks for your visits, comments suggestions, favs. We are going home tomorrow so hopefully I will get a chance to look at your photos soon.
An amazing capture and wonderful play with light and shadow, fav!
October 22nd, 2018  
Great shadows
October 22nd, 2018  
Wonderful layers, light
October 22nd, 2018  
Lovely use of light and shadows :)
October 22nd, 2018  
Fab layers light and shadow
October 22nd, 2018  
Fab shadows
October 22nd, 2018  
I like it!
October 22nd, 2018  
Love it, looks super on black.
October 22nd, 2018  
October 22nd, 2018  
Super capture.
October 23rd, 2018  
Certainly fills the bill for that challenge. I've been looking but haven't yet seen anything worth taking. Will keep at it. BTW, love this in b&w.
October 23rd, 2018  
Love all the contrast!
October 24th, 2018  
superb shots
October 25th, 2018  
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