Aged Church by jmdeabreu

Aged Church

303/365 (14Sep2024)
So, Friday the 13th came and went without a visit from James McAvoy. Bummer. (But let’s be honest, if he did show up at my door, I’d probably forget how to speak, let alone say no!) Maybe it’s his Scottish accent, or those piercing blue eyes... or maybe it’s just the fact that he’s a brilliant actor. Focus!!!
Truthfully, I woke up feeling a bit melancholic. You know, that feeling where life’s just a little too much sometimes? The weight of the world, the unanswered questions, the roads not taken... It all kind of piles up. But hey, the sun was shining, so I laced up my shoes and took my brain for a walk. Five hours, 4,000 squirrels, and 12 churches later (not quite Rome, but still impressive!), I stumbled upon this ridiculously fancy mansion. It got me thinking about all the “what ifs” and “if onlys”...
Then I remembered the Shakshuka baked eggs waiting for me at Baker & Graze. Suddenly, life didn’t seem so bad. That place is a vibe, even their lamp looked happy to be there. The eggs were a masterpiece, a symphony of flavors dancing on my tongue. It was the perfect antidote to my melancholy.
The sky did its whole dramatic clouds-and-sunshine thing, which was pretty cool. And there was this peaceful pond that almost made me zen... almost. Then my brain started singing along to my psychedelic rock playlist, and things got a bit trippy.
All in all, a pretty fantastic morning. A bit of melancholy here, a burst of energy there... kind of like my life in a nutshell. But hey, no regrets! (Except maybe that one time I tried to bake a cake without a recipe. Let’s not talk about that.) Life’s messy, beautiful, and unpredictable. And sometimes, all you need is a good walk, some good food, and a good playlist to remind you of that.
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