Had to venture back into color - This week's Dogwood Challenge asks us to find inspiration in the elements - Earth, Fire, Wind, Rain and Spirit.
The fire just wouldn't have had any punch in B&W. I am also probably pushing the envelope, so to speak, and will use this as both fire and spirit. Perhaps the reason for this being touch out of focus-too much spirit so early in the morning :):)
A perfect still life for two! I like it. The blur puzzled me on first look ... now the most satisfying explanation for me is that lower third of the bottle wants to avoid the fire so it is trying to break free ! :-)
Good try with a different take on the elements- looks like your camera focused on the name and nothing else. But a blurry shot seems appropriate for the subject matter!
@gamelee Thank you. Some times I wonder about blur but it needs to fit the image not the other way around. I hadn't heard of the show but is it violent or at least well written?
@lostphojo Thank you so much. The end of most bottles is a blur, isn't it?
@olivetreeann I was being lazy and didn't bring out my tripod. Since I was shooting in the dark, I should have. I was trying to do the manual zoom maneuver but I need a third hand sometimes.
@yaorenliu Maybe? No really, it was the Spirit one- which I didn't think was really one myself but the challenge had it so, why not?
@robz Truly grateful for the fav. For this week's challenge I am going to try and get all the categories but the wind might be my undoing.
@ninaganci Thank you so much. My friend gives me the 'extra' wine from the gentleman who does the wine tastings for the local paper. Some of the wine I really like and some just for the artwork.
@lostphojo Thank you so much. The end of most bottles is a blur, isn't it?
@sdutoit Thank you a great deal.
@olivetreeann I was being lazy and didn't bring out my tripod. Since I was shooting in the dark, I should have. I was trying to do the manual zoom maneuver but I need a third hand sometimes.
@samae How truly kind, thank you so very much.
@robz Truly grateful for the fav. For this week's challenge I am going to try and get all the categories but the wind might be my undoing.
@ninaganci Thank you so much. My friend gives me the 'extra' wine from the gentleman who does the wine tastings for the local paper. Some of the wine I really like and some just for the artwork.