So much fun communicating with 365 friends - better than the photo analysis sometimes!
My lovely bike, Ruby stands here in front of a building thats been around for at least a century! Formerly known as the Drill Hall, I presume this is where they used to practice drills. Now just a place to hold small events - like the Poultry Show. flower, gem shows, etc.
Three good things:
1. Booked a Christmas dinner at our nice local hotel.
2. Weather is warming up but the grass is growing even faster!
3. Very tender lettuce hiding under our enormous new potatoes green leaf growth!
I really like how you've processed this! The reds pop and they are in balance with and add interest to the b&w. Thanks, birthday comment on Junko's picture of me! She is always so good at remembering to document events. We had a lot of fun that evening!
@aikimomm You are quite right, Phoebe - its the softening choice in several apps and I have to look at it seriously and decide whether its better or not!