He's just a shy, tiny baby! Barely 3mm (0.1in) long! View him large, because he's super cute! 8D
Look at those big dewy eyes. Oooh, I fell in love. I contemplated bringing him home. Based on how fuzzy he is, and the tiny tufts of hair on the sides of his head, I'm thinking he's a baby heavy jumper. Heavy jumpers are gorgeous. I have yet to meet an adult one.
He's made his temporary home there, on that tiny pink flower. Jumping spiders don't spin webs to catch prey, but they do make spider silk and use it in different ways, such as casting a dragline when they jump, and setting up a temporary home, a place where they can go to when the weather gets bad, to molt and to rest.
I viewed this large and I swear I can see a smile on this teeny one's face. Those amazing eyes .... wow! I never thought in a million years I would say a spider is cute or sweet, but this one is both. FAV!!!
Amazingly Cute!! And yes BEST VIEWED LARGE!! omg he is adorable! your focus and pov are just Perfect Livia this one could make National Geographic along with many of your others!! Love it! Wish i could Triple FAV!!!
Awesome shot - love the colours, composition and the fine web. The details are of course spectacular. He really does look shy. Ditto what Rob said (I can't bring myself to say it out loud!) Fav.
Well, ok, this one IS cute. And the pink flower is lovely- everyone should have at least one jumping spider shot in their favorites. So this will be mine. (o:
A great, big, really pink, really shy, dewy and cute "THANK YOU!" to everyone!
He was such an adorable tiny spider. I looked at him for a long time even after I stopped shooting. It was hard to say goodbye. I hope he grows up strong and healthy. Thank you all, so much, for your generous support and comments. I am grateful for the encouragement.
Hope you're all enjoying Jumping Spiders Week as much as I am. When I go out with my camera, few things make me happier to see than a jumping spider. Can't get enough of them. 8)
@pocketmouse How did I do... what? Haha, I think I'm having a Slow Brain Day, I don't understand your question. *embarrassed* Those really are his eyes. Jumping spiders, being active hunters, are known for having great vision because of their relatively big eyes. They do rely on them to catch prey since they don't use webs. 8)
@myautofocuslife hehe no sorry, I should have been more specific! I meant, this photo has no exif data, and I'm really curious as to what lens etc you used, because this is such an amazing effect :)
@pocketmouse Haha, all my photos have no EXIF data because I use a 12-year-old version of Paint Shop Pro. XD I used the Sony 30mm macro lens with my Sony (interchangeable lens) camera. This was taken in the early morning, it was cloudy, so the ISO was probably set at 800. (It usually is.) And aperture's usually at 6.3, I rarely change it. 8)
I've just run through your album (for the past couple of weeks, that really feel like years!, that I haven't seen yet) and I think I abused the "fav" button a little >__<
Coming back to see your project is like therapy for my mind - stunning work Livia!!! Loved it, still love it, will keep loving it!! :)
fav.....this is great!
He was such an adorable tiny spider. I looked at him for a long time even after I stopped shooting. It was hard to say goodbye. I hope he grows up strong and healthy. Thank you all, so much, for your generous support and comments. I am grateful for the encouragement.
Hope you're all enjoying Jumping Spiders Week as much as I am. When I go out with my camera, few things make me happier to see than a jumping spider. Can't get enough of them. 8)
Coming back to see your project is like therapy for my mind - stunning work Livia!!! Loved it, still love it, will keep loving it!! :)