This is great! I think it is an improvement for sure on your first attempt ~ I can see more details and the moon is brighter ~ well done! I see your settings are good too ~ did you need to adjust them much?
One trick I do use and I should of said previously ~ sorry! is to set the timer so any camera shake from pressing the shutter has stopped by the time the camera takes the shot [ Not that I can see any shake, LOL]
@alisonp Thanks Alison. I used your advice for all the settings and just fiddled a bit between ISO and shutter speed. And I used my fab new (non-bendy) tripod and the timer. How do other people get the moon so sharp and clear - do they use a zoomier lens or do some editing?
@nickspicsnz new tripod sounds good :-) I think it is probably a combination of both ~ a 'zoomier' lens and some editing. Atmospheric conditions also help/hinder ~ a warm night may interfer with a sharp shot [or is that just my mind making that up? I am sure I read it somewhere LOL]
I think you should be pleased with this. It's pretty amazing. I just stand outside the house holding my camera in my hand with it set on automatic. I haven't mastered any of the other settings. Take a look at one of my attempts..
Hi Nick. This is a great shot. If your camera has a 'mirror lockup' function you could try that to eliminate more of the shake. But if you're already using a sturdy tripod and a trigger release (or timed release as @alisonp suggested) you should be all good. Also a good idea to manually focus and turn off your Image Stablisation when your camera is tripod mounted. You could also try a lower ISO to get rid of some of the grain (you can shoot the moon as ISO100 and expose for a bit longer or more open). Hope that helps :) Otherwise, great shot...
@alextheseal Thanks very much for the advice David - I appreciate your help. I'll have to look in my manual to see if I've got that mirror lockup function - I haven't seen anything like that on the camera so far. Now all I need is a clear night so I can practice again, lol!
One trick I do use and I should of said previously ~ sorry! is to set the timer so any camera shake from pressing the shutter has stopped by the time the camera takes the shot [ Not that I can see any shake, LOL]
I think you have done a great job here