Millie and I ran down to a friend's farm stand today to pick up some corn and other fresh vegetables. We were also in search of farm equipment for the f/64 black and white challenge but were unsuccessful again! So here's Millie on the look out for me. We did come to a stop for this shot but it still came out blurry because I didn't want anyone to come sailing up behind me unexpectedly and I took it rather quickly so that Millie wouldn't fall off the dashboard.
Thank you Kathy, Issi, Diana, Joan, Katy, Marilyn and Louise! I've been working on several projects and I think my phojo is suffering! I looked at this today and thought, "Why did I post that-it's terrible!" Thanks for your kind and encouraging words.
Thank you Kathy, Issi, Diana, Joan, Katy, Marilyn and Louise! I've been working on several projects and I think my phojo is suffering! I looked at this today and thought, "Why did I post that-it's terrible!" Thanks for your kind and encouraging words.