Last catch-up shot from the toy museum. (There's still a few more but I'll save them for a rainy day or two!) This is what a postage stamp cost when the boys from across the pond first appeared in the good ol' USA. The post card and miniatures were in a special display at the museum.
@carole_sandford Hmmm... just ran the postage meter at work the other day, and I'm trying to remember what it said... I think we're up to 64 cents- ridiculously high for so-so service!
A great picture of the Fab Four on the stamp.
@edorreandresen @bjywamer @ludwigsdiana @kjarn @jamibann @joansmor @mubbur @sangwann @louannwarren @onewing @mittens @zilli @beverley365 @ljmanning @randystreat @carole_sandford @rensala @digitalrn
Thanks for all your views, comments and favs! They really had such a huge impact as a band for a relatively short period of time (as a group that is).