This was the other contender for today's 30 Days in June shot. I hadn't noticed that this mushroom was doubling as a heliport until I uploaded the picture!
@maggiemae Thanks Maggie! It's the way it was- so to speak. Lovely morning light filtering through the trees. @wenbow Thanks Wendy! That's another thing I saw when I uploaded. I was so fixed on the mushroom, I missed the things next to it! @karenann Thanks Karenann! This shot seemed so routine- but I learned it was full of surprises!
@prttblues Thanks Bev! I had a really fun one today- Mama Downy Woodpecker feeding baby on my suet feeder- just enjoyed watching them instead of scrambling for the camera.
@wenbow Thanks Wendy! That's another thing I saw when I uploaded. I was so fixed on the mushroom, I missed the things next to it!
@karenann Thanks Karenann! This shot seemed so routine- but I learned it was full of surprises!
@dmariewms Thank you Marie!
@digitalrn Thanks Rick!
@filsie65 Thanks Phil!
@rhubbard Thanks Rich!
@beachradish Thanks Beachradish!
@salza Thanks Sally!
@sangwann Thanks Dione!
@nicolecampbell thanks Nicole!
@summerfield Thanks Vikki!