I don't drink things like Martinis- maybe a glass of wine on a special occasion so there was nothing in the house for today's holiday. That made it a perfect opportunity to play with Ai again. i had some fun- typed in "crazy animals drinking martinis" and the center image is what it came up with. Then I remember Funny Photo had a great frame where I could put the Ai masterpiece on display in a museum. Got that all ready to post and thought, "But this is totally NOT my image!" and THEN I remembered I had my own museum shot- so back to the composite drawing board to produce the image on the right- at least that one is half my image. LOL
@illinilass Same here Dorothy- I don't like any of the ingredients they use in them.
@kvphoto Thank you for the high praise KV. It's simply a matter of the correct perspective- that is matching the perspective of each image to make them blend.
@illinilass Same here Dorothy- I don't like any of the ingredients they use in them.
@kvphoto Thank you for the high praise KV. It's simply a matter of the correct perspective- that is matching the perspective of each image to make them blend.
@grammyn @ljmanning @randystreat @365projectltaylor @hjbenson @eudora @lynnz @gardencat @illinilass @zilli @edorreandresen @jamibann @haskar @louannwarren @kvphoto
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