trails by peadar


Although I caught some trails in my night shot of a few days ago, this time I went out specifically just to get trails. I discovered the technical stuff is not too challenging, but you are at the mercy of the traffic density to get the right balance to the image!

Anyway, thanks for all your comments recently, I am a little behind on commenting but will catch up very soon.
I like this. Love those curvey lines and the dash of red! I wish I had a camera that can do this!
January 8th, 2013  
Love this!!
January 8th, 2013  
Wonderful trials. I love the mixture of straight and curved as well as red, yellow and white!
January 8th, 2013  
Very nice; really like the different lines and colours Peter.
January 8th, 2013  
Oh coooooool!
January 8th, 2013  
So cool!
January 8th, 2013  
Very nice! Looks like you had a good amount of traffic.
January 8th, 2013  
Well done, Peter - very nice light trails! I have got to do this sometime, have always wanted to.
January 8th, 2013  
You caught those trails beautifully! :)
January 8th, 2013  
Really nice
January 8th, 2013  
Nice. My experience of this is that I always want to try again and do better.
January 8th, 2013  
Nice shot the lines look well great curves
January 8th, 2013  
Good setup, I've been meaning to try this shot but can't decide on a good spot to setup...
January 8th, 2013  
Excellent shot. It must have taken some patience.
January 8th, 2013  
Very nice! Love the sparkles on the post lights.
January 8th, 2013  
This is one of my challenges this year to have a go at this - I love them!
January 8th, 2013  
Nice shot Peter. At the end of Jan I'm booked on a night time photography event. Really looking forward to it and hope to produce something similar to this photo.
January 8th, 2013  
Nice Shot Peter. I tried car trails a few months ago, but it was winter then and Nelson Bay at night doesn't have much traffic in winter. I will have to try again now it is summer. You have inspired me.
January 8th, 2013  
Awesome light trails! Love the location you chose! :) Fantastic job!
January 8th, 2013  
Fabulous light trails, Alison!
January 9th, 2013  
Well done Peter, quite stricking.
January 9th, 2013  
Great Photo , your patience is worth it with this stunning result
January 9th, 2013  
Nicely done light trails. This is a good location for it.
January 9th, 2013  
.........hope your long suffering neighbours didn't spot you with tripod on your local roundabout!!! Excellent trails...what fun they are to do, ha ha just spotted Rhos comment.Alison? gender change?!!
January 9th, 2013  
Oh nice trails Peter
January 9th, 2013  
This is really, really good Peter, I like the dynamics of the intersection, it adds something special to your photo
January 9th, 2013  
Great balance to this Peter...... as you say the technical side is not too difficult, but to get the right flow and frequency of traffic takes trial and error (and usually very cold hands!)
January 9th, 2013  
Great one. I have this on my 'to do' list as well. Think I will do it next week. We have been given some assignments for night photography at the photo class I'm taking. Might make a series of it at the same time. Challenge for me!
January 9th, 2013  
@jackie8 Yes, Jackie, very cold hands. And (I'm not being funny here) in my part of north-west Kent, I was slightly worried that any moment one of the car drivers would stop, come over and demand to know why I was taking a photo of his car, swiftly followed by his confiscation of my camera and probably a bonk on the head to boot!!!
January 9th, 2013  
nice trial !
January 9th, 2013  
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