Giant Tingle Tree.. by robz

Giant Tingle Tree..

Protected in a NP in WA these days - in the old days we once drove right up to this tree and parked our car inside it - sheer stupidity and environmental vandalism! Older, and hopefully wiser now.... :)
Thinking has changed although they still drive cars onto the beach in WA and there's a guide to how to do it:
September 12th, 2023  
Wow, this is impressive!
September 12th, 2023  
What an incredible tree.
September 12th, 2023  
Amazing shot!
September 12th, 2023  
There is a tree in Yosemite NP that they actually routed the road through, so you had no choice. That is gone now. Hopefully we are learning to appreciate these beauties. I love your capture, the way you framed the man on the other side.
September 13th, 2023  
how stunning
September 13th, 2023  
Awesome capture.
September 13th, 2023  
Thank goodness that we've learned what not to do any longer. I like that you included the person, gives very good scale
September 13th, 2023  
A wonderful capture of this beauty, love the framing too.
September 13th, 2023  
That’s extraordinary. Is it in the Grove of the Patriarchs in Mt. Rainier National Park?
September 13th, 2023  
Wow it is amazing. what a huge tree
September 13th, 2023  
September 13th, 2023  
Amazing! Fav.
September 13th, 2023  
That’s one big tree! Great perspective
September 13th, 2023  
fantastic tree and lovely viewpoint.
September 13th, 2023  
Amazing, the tales it could tell, it must be hundreds of years old. Fav
September 13th, 2023  
Great shot
September 13th, 2023  
Very cool
September 13th, 2023  
@ankers70 Hi Suzanne. Yes, we were quite amazed at how relaxed they are at letting people drive nearly anywhere on the beaches. Maybe it's tied up with the smaller populations - we're really restricted up here - too dangerous for beach goers and too environmentally unkind. Having said that - we actually saw very few cars on beaches in most places. :)
September 13th, 2023  
@congaree Hi John. I'm sorry but I can't remember the name of the NP - but it's down in the SW corner of WA - just up from Walpole. :)
September 13th, 2023  
@joysabin Hi Joy - that's my gorgeous Errol.. :)
September 13th, 2023  
Great pic😊
September 14th, 2023  
Sometimes those things were done out of ignorance- no one ever really thought about what they were doing and there was so much abundance in nature they didn't even consider things could run out or die out. We've come a long way but there are still stupid people that do things just because they want to- like driving on the beach. Anyway... this is a cool shot. I like how you've framed Errol in the tree.
September 15th, 2023  
@olivetreeann Thanks Ann - and that's so true - when we parked our car there it never occurred to us that it would damage the tree. And looking at it now, it's so much better - you see the tree in it's natural environment and realize how truly enormous it is compared to all the others. Thanks for your sensible thoughts! Cheers Rob
September 15th, 2023  
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