wet wet wet by sarah19

wet wet wet

We had to go to collect something at the coast today and on the way back we stopped off in Pennan - a favourite place over the years. It never seems the same twice and today it was VERY WET!
When it was built access was by sea and the very steep road down to it is a bit 'hold your breath' in case you meet something coming the other way! The road actually turns right at the front of the house with green windows in the top left mini pic. And the cottages are mostly end on to the sea as they take such a pounding on stormy days.
They are all 'tucked in ' to the cliff side and in recent years, because of extremely wet weather, the cliffs have been slipping and a section collapsed in on some of the cottages. The local authority has taken action and now the slopes are 'pinned' to hopefully prevent this happening again.
If you are old enough to have seen the film 'Local Hero' this is where part of it was set. The red telephone box (in the top right mini pic) was a feature in the film.
Some of the old cottages, mostly refurbished, are beautiful and the 'blurry' photo is one of the splashes that hit me! My jeans were soaked!!
Oh boy it looks very wet there! I bet that place is great when the sun shines, so I look forward to that!
January 21st, 2012  
definitely! look forward to having you both for a visit!
January 21st, 2012  
Considering it was so wet, this is a wonderful collection of pics. I like the 'splashes' (no pun intended!) of colour - they really make it come alive.
January 21st, 2012  
This is such a lovely collage. Beautiful pictures. It does look really wet there.
January 21st, 2012  
Too bad that you got soaked! This looks like a great place to visit!
January 21st, 2012  
Oh what terrible weather, but I can see how nice it would be on a sunny day. Interesting to see such a famous call box!
January 21st, 2012  
Rain - in Scotland? No! It looks a great place to visit.
January 23rd, 2012  
This looks like a lovely place to wander around! So quaint and beautiful!
January 24th, 2012  
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