Butterflies in our Tummies by taffy

Butterflies in our Tummies

P3 and Danbo here to report in on the party, which was great fun and LOTS of people came. Taffy warned us not to eat all the candy but she really wasn't watching us too closely so we just ate and ate and ate. And now...gosh...we have butterflies in our tummy and flying around our heads. Was it worth it? Mmmm...we think so. She's going out again tonight so we get to do this last entry until we go back into our pocket home. Bye for now and thank you for your comments yesterday!
PS ... also more bokeh for the mentor group!
@newbank, @888rachel, @golftragic, @pamknowler, @jgpittenger
One more for our bokeh theme -- this one using the shape kit. Can't quite get the lighting right so this was the best of the bunch. I did spend a ridiculous amount of time on this dumb shot!! Then ate one of the props BEFORE we are heading out for dinner. Butterflies in my tummy too!
December 10th, 2015  
Don't feel bad Danbo and P3. I, Miss Ann, went to a cookie exchange today and ate WAY too many of them on the way home so that now I'm not really hungry for dinner! I like your butterfly bokeh!
December 10th, 2015  
nice shot, i love the colours
December 10th, 2015  
I want that!!!
December 10th, 2015  
Lovely fun capture and fabulous detail on the chocolates.
December 11th, 2015  
December 11th, 2015  
Love this Taffy! The chocolates look gorgeous - great detail! The bokeh is wonderful! I love the softness and overlapping. Is this lots of lights? So pleased you enjoyed your party! Hope your tummy butterflies settled and you had a lovely meal. Is it birthday in Barcelona? A great way to celebrate! Fav!
December 11th, 2015  
Great shot
December 11th, 2015  
December 11th, 2015  
P3 looks very sad - I guess he can't get down form this chocolately lump that looks so delicious!
December 11th, 2015  
Yummmm great detail on the chocolate!
December 11th, 2015  
The chocolate looks so good
December 11th, 2015  
Sounds like Mylanta all round is needed. I love your SOH in the caption narrative. I haven't yet tried (and may not try) shaped bokeh, but I think this is quite effective. The bokeh backdrop shows P3 and Little Danbo very well. Glad the party went well for all concerned, hope the chocolate tasted as good as it looks.
December 11th, 2015  
Awesome picture.
December 11th, 2015  
The bokeh is magic here and the food are divine.
December 11th, 2015  
The chocolate looks delicious, no wonder so much was consumed!
December 11th, 2015  
What a cute fun capture and love the commentary!
December 11th, 2015  
Never feel bad about indulging in too much chocolate. The feeling will pass... lovely shot
December 11th, 2015  
So cute!
December 11th, 2015  
So glad you had a wonderful party! I love the shaped bokeh, and of course, the chocolate in the foreground. A lovely shot.
December 11th, 2015  
Oh, don't show me chocolate. I am having such a weakness for it right now.
December 11th, 2015  
Now I've got the song Big Rock Candy Mountain in my head. Worth every butterfly, I would think. Beautiful color contrast with the background.
December 11th, 2015  
Excellent, fun capture...great clarity oon the chocolate :), details,dof
December 11th, 2015  
Oh...you naughty pair! Hope your butterflies settle soon. Love the background bokeh.
December 11th, 2015  
Hmm looks delicious, lovely bokeh shot
December 11th, 2015  
I really like the white butterflies and the composition and the commentary! Fav
December 11th, 2015  
Congratulations on making the Trending Page and the PP. Well deserved.
December 12th, 2015  
Surprised P3 and Danbo left you any goodies to eat. Did you get butterflies too? Can't blame them you made this shot so delicious.
December 12th, 2015  
@cathrinemitch Haha! Mild butterflies because all the food was sooo tempting! I'm having fun figuring different ways to create and use blurred background. It's fascinating!
December 12th, 2015  
Chocolate is always worth it ... It's free of calories at this time of the year you know ... ;-)
December 13th, 2015  
Delightful :)
December 14th, 2015  
Ooh yummy, now I'm craving chocolate ;)
December 14th, 2015  
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