Happy retirement. I hope you have been creating a large list of todos. I found that very helpful when I first retired, because I got up every morning with a plan. Hope you enjoy what lies ahead.
@danette Thank you so much! @30pics4jackiesdiamond Not total retirement as yet Jackie, just from the teaching! @ljmanning Thanks Laura @randystreat Yes, I resigned from the teaching post a year ago - takes a while for the courses to complete. Not totally retired as yet though! @shutterbug49 Thanks Debbie, not total retirement as yet, just from the teaching role. Plenty else to keep me busy though!
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Not total retirement as yet Jackie, just from the teaching!
@ljmanning Thanks Laura
@randystreat Yes, I resigned from the teaching post a year ago - takes a while for the courses to complete. Not totally retired as yet though!
@shutterbug49 Thanks Debbie, not total retirement as yet, just from the teaching role. Plenty else to keep me busy though!