Downtown Vancouver from Cypress Hill by abirkill

Downtown Vancouver from Cypress Hill

This is always a popular spot. Usually on my photo trips, I'm the only person in the area taking photographs, but with this well-known and easily-accessible viewpoint overlooking the city, I knew I wouldn't be.

Unfortunately the trees are starting to encroach on the view, so unless you have a 20 foot tripod it's pretty difficult to avoid them completely, especially when jockeying for position amongst a tangle of tripod legs!

This is cropped from a much wider 9-shot panorama I took, with the camera oriented vertically, so this is probably made up from about 4 shots.

For those unfamiliar with Vancouver, the Lions Gate Bridge can be clearly seen in the foreground, which leads into Stanley Park (on the right of the photo, extending most of the way across in the middle). Stanley Park is 10% larger than Central Park in New York.

Behind that on the right-hand side you can see the main downtown core (which continues to the right out of shot). The structure with what appears to be five pyramids is Canada Place, with the light reflecting in the Vancouver Harbour. Visible in the far distance at the top left of the photo is the Alex Fraser bridge (the two pairs of towers).

On a fine day you can also easily see Mount Baker in Washington State, over 100 miles away.

A full-width, zoomable version of the original 96 megapixel stitched image can now be found on Gigapan:

Many thanks for all the kind words on my previous photos!
Very cool! That's quite a view. :)
May 13th, 2012  
That's a spectacular view and it was well photographed!
May 13th, 2012  
This looks awesome! Great night shot. I like the lights. 8)
May 14th, 2012  
wow, wow, wow - another fav
May 16th, 2012  
Absolutely gorgeous, this brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful view of our home. Fav!
May 17th, 2012  
Stunning, as are all your shots
June 8th, 2012  
Got to this from the "Where are you from?" discussion.
Have always heard Vancouver is a beautiful city; you've captured it very well. Fav.
December 29th, 2012  
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