doll on display by amyk

doll on display

The last few weeks have been a challenge: caring for our sweet dog in his declining health & his eventual passing; last weekend my sister and I had scheduled a ceremony at Dahlia Hill for the interment of our parents’ ashes…was very anxious about this event, particularly speaking at it…thankfully all went well. Feeling like I’ve been “phoning it in” here on 365…want to get back to photography! :). Behind on the 52 week challenge, this is for week 34 “toy”.
Lovely choice for the word "toy". I have some small, stuffed bears on a display shelf and also have some collector dolls. So, I especially love what I see here in your photo, Amy! So sorry for your losses but glad all went well at the ceremony in your parents' memory.
September 12th, 2024  
I'm sorry to hear of Marty's passing. Along with the interment of your parents it must have been very hard. Sending a hug.
September 12th, 2024  
Wonderful capture of this beautiful doll. The past weeks have been such a sad time for you, I hope that you can comfortably move on now.
September 12th, 2024  
Such a beautiful display. Sounds like things are hard right now. Take care.
September 12th, 2024  
Quite a run of tough stuff, I ache for you. Sending much love across the ocean from my corner of England to you.
Lovely toys and especially the doll
September 12th, 2024  
Some real treasures in the display cabinet. A difficult time for you.
September 12th, 2024  
A tough week for you. Lots of treasures there.
September 12th, 2024  
Lovely image well captured so much to take in, trying time hopefully you can start to move on:)
September 12th, 2024  
how lovely the doll is, I wonder why some people think they are creepy.
September 12th, 2024  
Such a pretty doll and curios in the cabinet!
September 12th, 2024  
Thinking of you . . .
September 12th, 2024  
nice one
September 12th, 2024  
A lovely toy capture. A difficult time for you, hoping things will soon be looking up
September 12th, 2024  
This is a good look at the cabinet with its mementos. I hope that your life will begin to even out again so you can get back to doing what you like.
September 12th, 2024  
Neat photo, sorry to hear about your difficult time right now, hope it gets better soon!
September 12th, 2024  
Hope you have time to get back and sorry for all that loss.
September 13th, 2024  
Beautiful photo with a vintage feel. I hope the difficult times are all behind you now and happier days await you.
September 13th, 2024  
Sometimes we have very difficult moments and we have to focus on unpleasant events. But it passes, and we will wait. It's nice that you miss the camera.
September 13th, 2024  
Thinking of you, May happy memories bring you peace.
September 17th, 2024  
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