Fritrillaria by atchoo


Saying "Fritrillaria" out loud makes me giggle… don't know why - I just like how it rolls over my tongue :-)…

We purchased a couple of pots with Fritrillaria plants (onion plants) on our way home from work today. In Danish they are called "Vibeæg" which means "lapwing eggs". These flowers are a staple spring flower here in Denmark, and I really like their beautiful dark purple/chequered bell shaped flowers. Tomorrow they will be planted in our garden, so we can enjoy them this year as well as years to come.

Since none of the flowers in the two pots are in bloom yet I decided to get a bit creative with this photo.

Gear used Olympus OM-D E-M5 + Lensbaby Velvet 56 f1.6/56mm.
just fabulous. i love these flowers. reminds me - we should have some coming in our garden soon, but now i'm wondering if they've survived the winter ...
April 8th, 2018  
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