isn't it grand?! by bcurrie

isn't it grand?!

some of our favorite memories from our ever-so-grand trip to the grand canyon!
*mom & the boys
*little boy with little burro, brighty
*the guys all standing oh-so-close to the edge. this was followed by ridicule and taunting by same guys, since i was an absolute freak (reading "over the edge, death in the grand canyon" during the trip did not help matters)
*a plaque with psalm 104:24 at the lookout studio view
*two of my handsome fellas at our delicious dinner at the el tovar (and check out that gorgeous sunset behind them too)
*mom reading "brighty of the grand canyon" aloud on our long drives on our way to the park; the book was so good, we all grew to love that little burro, and it was especially nice to share that time reading and talking together!
*another of our amazing national parks checked off our list!
*psalm 66:4 at the desert view watchtower; another reminder of the majesty and awesomeness of God's Creation
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