what's wrong with your drawers, boy?  by bcurrie

what's wrong with your drawers, boy?

my droopy-drawered #30 had quite a day. upon driving him to his game, we discovered he forgot his game jersey--back to the school. jersey = check. then, upon resuming the drive to his game, we discovered he didn't have his game pants--back to the school. but alas, the pants were nowhere to be found. SO. thankfully, someone had an extra pair of game pants. a very large extra pair of game pants. the slightest whiff of a breeze would likely bring them down. but, he got to play (but not without a few chuckles!) fast forward to arriving home from the game. precious boy receives a phone call from a teammate, who wanted to let him know that he picked up HIS PADS AND HELMET THAT HE LEFT BACK AT THE FIELD!!! *sigh*
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