Shy! by bigmxx


Day 139 - We went for a walk around our local Country Park and saw this Turtle with it's back to us, but this was the only angle I could capture a shot of it!

The Park is a 128 acre site, which is a former landfill site which was capped off in 2003, when the physical work began creating the park, which now offers a natural play area, community events space, as well as an extensive network of paths through areas of different meadow, scrub and aquatic habitats that are home to many hundreds of animal species.

In recent years the country park itself habitats have been enhanced for a variety of wildlife - three ponds have been especially created for Great Crested Newts, wildflower meadows have been planted to attract bees, butterflies and many other insects. The Forestry Commission has provided funding for the planting of just under 7 hectares of trees, which in years to come support many more birds and insects
what a beautiful wetland area
May 18th, 2020  
Great find and a cute capture.
May 18th, 2020  
A sweet capture of the turtle!
May 19th, 2020  
Still a lovely shot.
May 19th, 2020  
It sounds like a wonderful country park but this terrapin should definitely not be there. There are no native terrapins in the UK so some very naughty person has obviously released it when it grew too big for their tank. It happens quite a lot. A brilliant capture though :)
May 19th, 2020  
@koalagardens Thank you for your comment, It's also a fishing lake
@mittens Thank you for your comment, there's actually 2 that live there, but the other one was hiding
@louannwarren Thank you for your comment
@susiemc Thank you for your comment, there are actually 2 living there in the lake (It's a fishing lake), I've seen them over 3 years but I'm not sure how long they have been there
May 19th, 2020  
beautiful shot, I like the reflection
May 19th, 2020  
@santina Thank you
May 23rd, 2020  
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