DTP (dead tree project) #13 by blueberry1222

DTP (dead tree project) #13

So, I'm still playing catch up with posting photos for October. I had time this evening to go for a mini bike ride to take some more pictures of dead and/or dying trees in the neighborhood. It wasn't a pleasant ride. For one, it was 100F (37.7C) outside, which is unseasonably hot for this time of year. And for two, there was no shortage of dead trees to take pictures of. I only took shots of the ones standing in the proper golden hour light. I was only out for maybe 30 minutes and came home with 41 photos, all of different specimens. So. Freaking. Sad. This is not the future. This is the now.

And, no, that is not new growth on this tree. It's simply the part that's barely holding on. I'll take pictures of this one again in a couple of weeks (or maybe even days) to document its progression (or degression).

This is an installment of my Dead Tree Project, documenting the effects on local vegetation after 54 days above 115F (46.1C) degrees this summer.
October 20th, 2023  
Sooo many and so sad!
October 20th, 2023  
It must be disheartening to see so many dying trees
October 20th, 2023  
Poor tree. Maybe there's hope though.
October 20th, 2023  
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