agree - it is great now we have some sun - and a great capture of the bee - I am still not totally confident on DoF with these shots - do I want all of the insect and the flower in focus or just one of them? I feel you have a good balance here
@handymaurice Thanks for all your kind comments, Haydn, To be honest, with the rate the bee was buzzing about, I was happy to get anything in focus! The person who gets it right every time is Julienne Jones @julienne1
Well it's nice of you to say so Christopher, but it's only because I take so many photos that the law of averages dictates that at least one will be passable! In other words it's more luck than judgement! I love this photo because the bee is balanced so delicately on the stamens of the flower and looks so intent on locating the nectar.
@julienne1 You're very modest! I was pleased with this photo, and would love to have spent longer. It's amazing how much time I have spent this year waiting for dogs, cows, hens, geese, sheep, and insects to stand still.
Nice catch with this one