Rambling... by daffodill


Wondering down a lane in westest Worcestershire, I saw this stunning view.
Apparently this cannot be perfection because of the tree stump.
What can we learn from the imperfection:-
That we age and die.
That we can be broken and still survive.
That we are not actually the centre of the universe and there is life beyond our existence
That even when we feel broken, useless and past it, we are still noticed and have an impact.
What we define as beautiful is a matter of personal taste and preference.
There is no right answer, or wrong answer, but we validate or condemn by our reasoning.
Denying our existence does not prevent it.
Trees don't walk of their own accord - even if dead.
We stand as a testimony to the past and a hope for the future.
Weeds look up to a has been.

Given a random brain a lot of words can be written about a possibly dead tree.

Anything you want to add?
Dead trees are vital for the ecosystem, home to insects that feed the birds ...
September 18th, 2012  
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