One Down, Two To Go by digitalrn

One Down, Two To Go

Well, today was a busy day, and it was another hot one. I think the temperature reached about 92 along with the high humidity. Thank goodness for central air conditioning. My Brother who has been out of work since his kidney transplant 6 years ago, has been able to pick up odd jobs to help supplement their income. He is definitely a handyman. My Wife has been after me for the last year to get rid of the carpet, so once we, or should I say, my Wife decided on the floor she wanted, we hired my Brother to do the work. He did an awesome job today. Packing up the loose items and moving everything out of the room in preparation for this week was quite a job. You only then realize how many things you accumulate. I now truly dread the thought of ever moving. I think we will just have sale. Anyway, I thought I would show you what we were doing all day, and share the project thus far. Tomorrow, the hallway and room number two.
Good Job guys! When all is said and done, you are going to feel a sense of accomplishment and relief!
July 13th, 2011  
Nice flooring. Good to see what you are up to and it is a lot of work but so worth it.
July 13th, 2011  
Beautiful floor! Nice pov of the room.
July 13th, 2011  
looks wonderful!! So good that you can hire your brother to do this!!!
July 13th, 2011  
It looks great!!! :0)
July 13th, 2011  
The floor looks great! And what a hot day to be working! Nice shot.
July 13th, 2011  
Awesome and great job!!!
July 13th, 2011  
nicely done. Sounds like you got to help your brother and he helped you.
July 13th, 2011  
Wow, what a nice job. Looks just like a professional did it, or maybe your brother is just as good as a professional.
July 13th, 2011  
Looks great
July 13th, 2011  
Beautiful! It's like looking at a Home Reno channel. I think It would be great to see the before and after photos! =)
July 13th, 2011  
Your brother has made a beautiful job of the floor, it looks great.
July 13th, 2011  
The floor looks great. Your brother does good work.!
July 13th, 2011  
Looks great, I know I share the thought that I could never move everything I've collected in this house.
July 13th, 2011  
looks soooo shiny and new... he does a great job... keep cool, rick....
July 13th, 2011  
did you guys put down the new floor or was it in that nice a condition?? good job...
July 13th, 2011  
I know that feeling of having accumulated too much stuff. The room looks great!
July 13th, 2011  
Rick, it's beautiful! I know your wife and you will really enjoy this new floor. It's feels good to spruce up the joint, doesn't it. That's what I've been trying to do & it is nice to see. I have to admit that a peaceful, loving house means more to me than new furniture, but a new sofa can sure make things comfortable. :)
July 13th, 2011  
You've made great progress in just one day. Now if only my floor guy would show up so we could finish ours as well!
July 13th, 2011  
The floor looks great! Double bonus for getting it done on a really hot day. I'm going to come back and look at this picture when I feel like I'm drowning in "stuff" and clutter, to remember that cleaning out can be done.
July 13th, 2011  
Beautiful floor!! Your brother did an amazing job!!
July 13th, 2011  
Nice colour flooring Rick!
Your brother did a good job!
Can't wait to see the other rooms.
I know what you mean about accumulating, we are doing our lounge & dining room floors in the very near future & I'm not looking forward to that.
July 13th, 2011  
It looks beautiful!
July 13th, 2011  
Looks great.
July 13th, 2011  
Wow that looks really awesome!
July 13th, 2011  
Amen to air conditioning.
The floor looks beautiful, she has a good eye. :)
July 13th, 2011  
@nikkers Hey Nikkers,we had carpet in the two living rooms, and my Wife wanted to get rid of the carpet, so this is the new floor. Still have the second room, hallway and two bathrooms to go
July 13th, 2011  
NICE!! I hate carpets, we have been slowly getting rid of ours too. The stairs were the hardest to do so far. Upstairs hallway and 3 bedrooms to go...
He did a nice job, it looks great! I like the shade of wood your wife chose, it's about the same as ours.
July 13th, 2011  
great job! the floor looks superb
July 13th, 2011  
Oh wow. Looks terrific.
July 13th, 2011  
That looks great!
July 13th, 2011  
This is looking good well worth the upheaval
July 13th, 2011  
Wood floors are so more hygienic and your brother has done a good job
July 14th, 2011  
Very nice, Rick!
July 14th, 2011  
Very rich guys did a great job. we have a wood floor in the kitchen and later I also wanted to get rid of the carpet in our sun and dining room. so much cleaner and easy to keep it that way. but still have carpet in the living room...maybe one day.
July 14th, 2011  
Nice looking floor. I have not read any comments below so forgive me if this has been asked - is it hard work or a composite floor like a Pergo floor?
July 14th, 2011  
@cirasj Joe, actually neither. It is a heavy duty vinyl, interlocking flooring, actully the panels glue together very securely. It comes in various patterns, we chose wood because of the rustic look. It has a 25 year guarantee.
July 14th, 2011  
Like the look but was surprised that it wasn't wood...looks like wood! When we move, we are going to sell the house with everything in it except for a few special items.
July 14th, 2011  
@digitalrn The color goes well in that room.
July 14th, 2011  
Lots of work...but you'll be so happy when it's finished. Very nice job. One day I hope to do our upstairs. We have hard wood floors downstairs but they wouldn't give us that option for the bedrooms when we had the house built. Someday...
July 14th, 2011  
your brother does very nice work!
July 14th, 2011  
Beautiful! I so know what you mean about accumulating... I think we're here to stay - trying to keep the storage rooms from overflowing and making monthly trips to Goodwill. Ha...
July 14th, 2011  
Love the flooring... room looks so new and all set for some fun :)Congrats
July 14th, 2011  
That is a beautiful floor. He did a great job!
July 15th, 2011  
Nice floor! Yes, I do like not having carpeting.
July 15th, 2011  
sounds like a big job but the result would be well worth it.
July 16th, 2011  
looks awesome!
July 16th, 2011  
Good for your brother he got something to do
July 16th, 2011  
Great job brother!
July 17th, 2011  
he did an awesome job!
July 17th, 2011  
The floor looks great! We've been putting off remodeling our bathroom & kitchen...maybe this fall/winter when things aren't quite so busy!
July 17th, 2011  
Love wood floors, he did an incredible job.
July 25th, 2011  
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