World Pinhole Photography Day 2012

April 13th, 2012
The last sunday in April, the 29th, is World Pinhole Photography Day

WPPD website

Funny how if falls in Analogue April :)

Here are some links on how to make a pinhole camera. Before you say "But Shades, all I have is a digital camera, I've never used film before, and I don't know if I want to......" I have included a link on how to make your digital SLR into a pinhole camera. If you don't have a DSLR, I'm sure you could figure out the theory behind it and make something fit for your camera (all the more reason to use film, hehe).

p.s. the link above has a whole page of resources on pinhole cameras and how to build one

For the digiheads:

Digital Pinhole Camera link

For those of you that want to come back from the dark side and use film:

Matchbox Pinhole Camera

General Pinhole camera

I included links for 35mm film as that is the most readily available to the majority of people. Any light sensitive material will work though. If you do go with 35mm, and take it to your local establishment to have them develop it, Make sure to tell them the spacing could be off, as its from a pinhole camera Most places will develop the film and put the photos on a CD. This elimates the need for you to take them home and scan them.....or worse, have to go buy a scanner and then scan them in!

I have seen a few people on here lament that they wish they could participate in Analogue April but they don't have a film camera, well here's your chance!

I truly hope that a lot of you participate and if you care to, lets tag them


April 13th, 2012
Oooh I just saw a pinhole kit at the art supply store the other day. Might have to pick me one up:)
April 13th, 2012
@pwallis I might be making several.....just because!
April 13th, 2012
@shadesofgrey This sounds cool...will look into it. :-)
April 13th, 2012
I got a pinhole camera kit for Christmas.......
April 13th, 2012
@moirab Perfect time to use it!
April 13th, 2012
@5unflow3r Looking forward to it.
April 13th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Definitely!
April 13th, 2012
So it's shoot a whole roll of whatever on April 21 and then this event. SWEET! I think that the first is the perfect lead in to the second. :-D
April 13th, 2012
@5unflow3r You could even test your pinhole camera out with the first event......def a perfect lead in!
April 13th, 2012
*note to self : must obtain pinhole camera....
April 13th, 2012
@5unflow3r you know some great guy posted some links somewhere on this thread.....might by helpful to ya! ;)
April 13th, 2012
That's spectacular and exactly what I need!!! I'm on it! :-)
April 13th, 2012
I don't know anything about film and was wondering, would the old film that I have that is probably about 10 years old work? Hope this isn't a silly question but the last time I used a film camera I was probably about 7 years old!
April 13th, 2012
@sobefree as long as it hasn't been x-rayed or left out in extreme heat, it should be fine. There is actually a trend or sub-culture of photogs that use expired film and get some amazing results. The worst thing that could happen is that it doesn't turn out...maybe buy a roll of new film just in case. I'm sure it will work though, and it will be fun to see the results of the age on the photos.
April 13th, 2012
@sobefree @shadesofgrey Once had a roll of 35mm left in a camera that was last used the summer of 1971, in Europe. The camera somehow made it underneath the front seat of my dad's car, don't know when or how it got there, but it was in Tucson, in the car until 1973. The original pictures taken in '71 were fine, the one's taken in '73 were,ah, washed out. If that helps.
April 13th, 2012
@byrdlip @shadesofgrey Thank you both. I think it'll be worth a try whatever happens!
April 13th, 2012
@beautifulthing comment?
April 13th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Hmm. I might do this, but a pinhole camera feels like a really big commitment. ;)

I've been shooting on some expired Fuji that I found at thrift recently - one batch dated 2005 and the other dated 2008. It performed perfectly. I was actually a little disappointed. ;)
April 16th, 2012
Loreo makes a "Pin Cap" Down to f64. This is my only pic on the project with it:

I told people it is a lens that is intended to take a nice camera and make it look like a cheap plastic one. Funny the things we do.
April 18th, 2012
@shadesofgrey So I changed my mind and now I totally think I'm going to do this. I can't decide if I'm going to build one or rig a current camera up. Don't let me forget! I saw some cool pinhole images on and now I'm all e'cited.
April 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing I won't let you forget....I'm gonna do a reminder thread this weekend...I have to go out and get a matchbox and some film, I totally want to make mine, just to see if I can do it.
April 18th, 2012
@shadesofgrey I'm thinking I'll mod one of the Holgas, but I can't decide. I've never tried pinhole!
April 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing Neither have I, thats why I think I'm going to make mine.....the matchbox idea seems to work the best because it isn't a one and done deal, like the altoids tin....however it does require some modding....wishing I had some 120 for my brownie, basically a pinhole camera anyway!
April 18th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Order some on the Interwebs! I got some on the way from B&H, they have it for as little as $3.49 a roll. Or - be really punk rock and see if there's a way to get a Brownie to take 35mm. Hmm. Mods!
April 18th, 2012
@beautifulthing Haha, yeah, just waiting on a check and I am going to be ordering mad amounts of film. I have been scouring the Amazon finding all sorts of it...I will more than likely buy a bunch of different single rolls, to try it out and see what I/the camera likes, there will be several 120 rolls in there......I wonder what would happen if I just put some 35mm in the brownie, as is?
April 30th, 2012
For WPPD I broke out my Loreo Cap again. I need to give the lens a good cleaning because there was a major blurry spot in all my shots. In this one it is hidden by the fountain water.

April 30th, 2012
@mcrt very cool. I am going to have to wait to get my film developed but I'm excited to see some more!
May 1st, 2012

@shadesofgrey What happened??? Where are all the pinhole shots? I have another film in may give it another go with a smaller pinhole and a shorter let the light in time. I love and appreciate my digital camera!
May 30th, 2012
I just now saw this post.....I don't know honestly. It seemed like a lot of people were interested/planning on participating. Maybe there were more but they didn't tag them?
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