Dallas photographer refuses to give up camera

June 21st, 2012
I read this today it serves as a reminder to be careful and watchful when you are taking photos. A photographer in Dallas refused to give up his camera when several bad guys demanded he give it to them. It could have turned out much differently than it did. I do not like to go on photo ops alone.
Here is a link to the online article and video:
June 21st, 2012
According to Robert E Heinlein, "An armed society is a polite society."
June 21st, 2012
'Sure, take the camera -- but I just took an awesome shot, do you mind if I keep the memory card? No? Well can you e-mail it to me? Aww, come on!'
June 21st, 2012
@revjoel Interesting quote, I would be interested to know the true meaning of his quote, as he was a very interesting character. Does he mean "is" or "would be?" At face value, where I think the quote falls down is assuming that everyone is armed. My take is that a partially armed society is a recipe for chaos and extreme inequality.
June 21st, 2012
Growing up during the time when firearms were in nearly every home in the community and most hunted to put meat on the table, instill a respect for the gun, nothing like the fear and loathing one sees in many parts of the US today. The gun is simply a tool and the most dangerous part of it is the psyche of the wielder. Though I have worn my collar since 1996 at a priest in the Anglo-Catholic Church, I have a Concealed Carry Permit and often carry a firearm, a .45 ACP Colt semiauto pistol.
June 21st, 2012
But if there were no guns at all, no one would ever get shot, which is surely the ideal!
June 21st, 2012
@abirkill HAHAHAHA!!!! Great comment!!!
June 21st, 2012
@smevvy The bad guys would just find another tool to use against innocent people.
June 21st, 2012
@smevvy I am with you, however utopian it is. If I ruled the world, dystopia would be for books, utopia for all. I guess that's why my application got turned down. The interview panel said, if people didn't go round shooting each other in war and in random acts of violence, where would our armaments industries be. They employ people, so we need to keep shooting each other to keep people in jobs right?
June 21st, 2012
@revjoel I wouldn't begin to say I understand your situation and reasons for carrying because that would be presumptious and insulting of me, so I will resort to schoolboy humour! I think that "Preachers with Pistols" has a great alliteration to it. There has to be a photo for you there?
June 21st, 2012
In the film, "The Patriot", Rene Auberjonois plays the role of Reverend Oliver. One of his lines is so telling. He states, when the South Carolina Militia is raised, and he joins, "The good shepherd tends to the flock and when necessary drives off the wolves."
June 21st, 2012
People will still get shot...criminals like unarmed people...criminals will still have guns.... tyrannical governments also like unarmed citizens...
June 21st, 2012
@loztsoul ...Speak the plain truth Trevor!
June 21st, 2012
June 24th, 2012
Thanks Linda for Posting I have been in a lot of scetchy parts of Dallas taking picutes - I have noticed in the early hours photogs are out in 2's and 3's as a group ---- seeing the comments above isn't about having a 'gun' it is more of a reflection on society than the tools used to harm people - 20, 30, 40 years ago this act would be less likely - (the type of people and overall lowest common denominator in people is finding new lows) ---
June 24th, 2012
@kylec No, it isn't about having a gun, I posted it hoping that all the good people here would be careful and be aware of their surroundings when they are out shooting. The bad guys always have weapons and always will, whether it is a gun, knife or some other instument. It is best to go in groups. My husband usually goes with me, sometimes my son and daughter go. There is no way that I would go downtown by myself to take photos. I get wrapped up in the shots, so need someone to watch my back.
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