Mon- Fri Inspiration

January 7th, 2013
It's not too difficult to find subjects when you're home. However, I go back to work tomorrow.

So, where do you find inspiration when you work 8am to 4pm and it can be dark either end of the day? I was let down in previous PAD attempts when it got to 11pm and I hadn't taken my picture. Just took something for the sake of it!

Suggestions...? :)
January 7th, 2013
I'm guessing you get a lunch break?
January 7th, 2013
Macro photography for things on your desk?
A to Z project
An About you series - Snippets of what makes you, you
Color project
January 7th, 2013
Night photography? Light trails, etc.

Build a light box and photograph things around your house.
January 7th, 2013
You could participate in the One Night Stand challenge. I believe the lack of inspiration is what prompted Jerry to create the challenge.

January 7th, 2013
I also work from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm... I love to use my lunch break... I often even use my morning 30 min coffee break to get out with the camera!

Otherwise, things around your work, or home. Low key, light painting, and long exposure are great for when it gets dark...

You can also make sure that on the weekends you get enough good shots, that if you do really run late one day, you have a back-up photo.

I often use my late evenings for some arty image editing shots... cause then you have the time, but not the light!!!

And of course around your home, the proper use of flash, and light, lamps ect. mean you can create good lighting even after dark!!!

Hope this gives you some ideas!!! :) :) :) Good luck!!!
January 7th, 2013
I like to do light painting, either with a small pen torch or sparklers, I like to go out and do light trails, churches are often lit up in the dark and sometimes I combine light trails and churches! Fire can be interesting if you can light a fire somewhere safely and are willing to stick about for a few hours for it to die down.

How about you don't put that set of Christmas Lights away in the loft and use them for bokeh photos? Look at anybody who has been around a little while and they will more than likely have loads of bokeh shots in their albums, especially in December. You can do loads with them - just stick bokeh into Google for ideas.
January 7th, 2013
Street photography in my way to work in morning, over lunch, on the subway, etc :)
January 7th, 2013
i take photos of the city by going around my floor looking through the windows. macros of my lunch or anything around your office. at home, try smoke photography or water droplets.
January 7th, 2013
90% of my pictures are taken within a 5 mile radius of my home for over 3 years now. Instead of thinking about going somewhere else to photograph, look inward and closer to home. A simple exercise is to stand or sit in one spot long enough to take photos from there, say 5 minutes. Set a timer. Take as many as you can from macro to far out. Doing this will show you how to see things no matter where you are positioned. Be sure to carry your camera with you 24/7 so you will be ready for anything.
January 7th, 2013
All of the above have offered good ideas. I would like to suggest another option. When you are able to get out and shoot, take shots with the intent of using them Mon-Fri for this project. If you get to get a shot during the weekdays, you can post that if you desire. I have found having other pictures to use when I can not shoot that day is good. This year, since I have archived all my previous pictures, I only using images from this year and trying to use only images from that month, preferably from that week if not from that day.
January 7th, 2013
I have the same basic problem and hate just throwing something together at the last minute. I keep a notebook of ideas for shots that I can get to either on lunch or on the way to or from work (have to leave 15 minutes earlier) or before dawn/after dark. Honestly, it filled-up fast. There are some very interesting industrial sites with great lights and there are some very good long-range shots of well-lit areas of town. Churches also offer some opps. The notebook has saved me MANY times.
January 7th, 2013

There's also been some Mundane challenges on here recently, they've been really interesting to get involved in.

Most of my pictures are of junk from around the house as I work really long days and the British weathers always awful!
January 7th, 2013
I ask my colleagues who are now quite keen to suggest ideas for shots around work. For example our Open VMS media

January 8th, 2013
Thanks for all your comments. To answer a couple:
@jade_h @lolanae @monkeykid @northy no cameras allowed at work
@monkeykid @chapjohn does it not defeat the point of a PAD to use images taken on a different day?
@cally thanks for the broken suggestions (always fun!)
@dlaxton the notebook idea is a good one

Thanks again for your responses and ideas.
January 8th, 2013
So i'm totally not alone in this then. Are we saying that its acceptable to use photos from previous days if we run out of shooting opportunities? I had three great shots from a local walk and only used one, I was going to disregard the other two!
January 8th, 2013
@vokesy Do not disgard those other two images. If you like them and others to see them, post them. Taking a picture a day is a worthy objective, but in real life there are times when that is not possible. Having images that you can use for those times is good.
January 8th, 2013
It still feels like cheating though.... but it is so damn hard to keep finding opportunities in a day filled with routine!
January 8th, 2013
@vokesy Must say I agree. I suppose though it depends how you want to tackle this project. Personally, I want to produce/publish a different image each day.
Tempted to upgrade to Ace though so I can publish the ' extras' that I take.
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