This site is bad enough to share...again.

January 18th, 2013
Maybe I have a sick sense of humor, maybe I don't. But this site makes me either laugh or cringe. Either way, if nothing else, entertaining. Enjoy!
January 18th, 2013
More elitist bullshit, no time for people who use that site to criticise others work without showing their own.
January 18th, 2013
Touche'! I happen to find the simple humor in some of the shots without reading too far into it. Life is not so literal. Take it easy @jase_h It's humor. Smile.
January 18th, 2013
@mandyj92 Whilst you may take humour from the photo's, the concept of the site is slagging off people's work. If I started a thread here with one of your photo's in it, saying look how crap this is, how would you feel, and what would the reaction be? That is exactly what that site does.
January 18th, 2013
@jase_h Wow jase calm .....
January 18th, 2013
@markjohnstone Always am fella :)
January 18th, 2013
@mandyj92 @jase_h @markjohnstone

Whoa Jase, slow down there brother... I sense internal issues.... Looking through your photos I get a sense of pride and artistic flair in our images so I not surprised that you used the word "elitist" as I know how you feel.

I personally found it entertaining and I wouldn't be surprised if some of my photos are in there...

In fact I know a heap of my photos that should be in there.... As I am sure you are aware photography is an art form and it is also personal/professional growth. We should as people be able to look at our work with open eyes and grow from that.

The website didnt show any company names and any other water marks were removed, so its not like they were taking the piss out of the person but that was represented and let face it some of them were shit. No question, no doubts, they were shit, but having said that they were having a go, so well done.

This is also one of the great things about this site..... We have different ideas and as a free people we can voice those ideas. So we may not agree but we can discuss.
January 18th, 2013
@agima Not at all Brendan, just my opinion and I have always said the same thing on the numerous occasions, over the last couple of years, that site gets posted here. If you look on the forums there you will see direct links to websites, facebook pages which is attacking people directly, but the posters hide their own work. That is my problem with the site :)
January 18th, 2013

I respect your option, I really do. If we didnt have different ideas about things then this world would be as boring as bat shit and that is boring. :)

I see you feel that the site shouldn't point out bad photos because it doesn't show that it can take good photos?

I wouldn't of thought that was a prerequisite for a business/website owner to have that.

Its all about entertainment my friend. I would be on your side if they had the names of the companies not hidden, then that would be a different story as you would be attacking the person/company. That is not my dig. Having a bit of fun at some really bad photos, its not that bad. Its like taking the piss out of a child that is trying to walk...

We have all been there and its shit funny when they fall over (Ok Ok Ok maybe it is only I that find it funny). I agree people that submit to the site might not know squat about photos or how to take them but that is not the point of the site. Someone thought it was a shit photo so they submitted it.

I must say looking through the photos there are some good ones in there. Once that would be considered as artistic and some which had great idea.

The only problem I have with the site and from what I can tell is that they are using photos without the copyright owners permission, and I may add they are making money off the photographers photos, now matter how good or bad they are,but that is a different conversation.

Just as a side note, it is good to have a conversation on here with a bit of feeling... So thank you. ;-)
January 18th, 2013
@agima Naah people falling over is ALWAYS funny ;)
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