Ourspot Launches A Marketplace For Hiring Amateur Photographers

March 7th, 2013
"With DSLR sales up and Instagram setting a new bar for tastefully shot photos, there are countless hobbyist and amateur photographers out there.

A new startup called Ourspot is tapping into that community by creating a marketplace where anybody can hire amateur photographers to shoot events for free to around a few hundred dollars or more. It’s out for San Francisco today, but Los Angeles and New York are coming soon." ...


Well, it was bound to happen. The world of photography just took a new turn.
March 7th, 2013
Not sure I would want to take fun shots for just $10 or $25 of an event and then still have to make presentable photos. And of course facebook will own your photos for advertising
March 7th, 2013
"Instagram setting a new bar..." Damn, I just spit coffee into my keyboard! :)
March 7th, 2013
@grizzlysghost Well, they didn't say _where_ they were setting it ...
March 7th, 2013
I would go and do the "fun shots", but I would rather they hire someone to do the format shots. Not that I am putting myself down, but I take better shots when I am having fun, free meal and drinks. Besides, when I show up in my work bibs at a formal event...
March 7th, 2013
@grizzlysghost LOL too true, too true!
March 7th, 2013
@grizzlysghost I do think with my massive use of film and high end digital that I really have been left behind by not using instagram and its old timey or posterized filters it has at the slide of my finger.

I think I shall go sit in the dark for a few hours as punishment for not reaching the bar of instagram,
March 7th, 2013
Sam Yam? Seriously?

@grizzlysghost Lol!!
March 8th, 2013
What, he thought craigslist didn't have enough of them??
March 8th, 2013
@grizzlysghost NOW I realize why I'm not a better photographer. BRB buying an iPhone.
March 8th, 2013
I am truly am amateur photography, but $10.00 doesn't even pay the gas..NOT
March 8th, 2013
@grizzlysghost ROFL oh the joker in you!
March 8th, 2013
As someone who regularly acquires photography for the magazine I edit, I would just like to toss in the observation -- from the buying/acquiring/using end of this chain -- that it is actually quite easy to get good-quality photographs for free or for very little money. We have routinely used iStock Photo, now we're also using Dreamstime and Morguefile. Shutterstock is on our radar as well. We have also found photography that fits our needs available (free!) to public domain on Wikipedia, and have contacted photographers through Flickr and have asked to use their images. Yes, with no financial compensation, but I'll give you a photo credit and send you copies of the magazine. Yes, I know some of you probably want to throw things at me and my kind, but the fact is, the proliferation of digital SLRs makes it easy for anyone to be a photographer and photos are easy to come by. Not everyone wants or needs National Geographic-quality images, and trust me on this, not everyone who calls themselves a "professional photographer" is doing professional-quality work. If someone enjoys photography for its own sake and is willing to accept $10 or $20 or some other amount for an assignment AND the purchaser is satisfied with the result, it's all good.

As a photographer, I was excited to receive a $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble for taking a ton of casual shots at a 65th-wedding-anniversary celebration. To each his or her own level of satisfaction.
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