June 25th, 2013
Just sharing this link. I have no association with this other than thinking it was cool.


A few months ago, on a Sunday afternoon, I accidentally started a new photography project when I snapped a portrait of a friend with my iPhone. Since that first iPhone portrait, I have photographed over 100 people with my iPhone, and my excitement for this project continues to grow (you can see some of the images on my Instagram stream as well as under the Projects section). I was in Hollywood for work last month, and I photographed my cousin’s roommate Jordan while staying with them. Jordan wrote a short story about his experience of being photographed, and I am so excited to share it with you. Please enjoy, and thank you Jordan!

On Having My Picture Taken

There are certain people that like having their picture taken. They enjoy it because they are good at it. They remember to smile and lift chins so they don’t look fat. They can look happy even if they are not happy. It is comfortable for them to hang arms over the shoulder of the person they are standing next to. When people tell them to scoot closer, they do it happily.

I am not one of those people....
June 25th, 2013
Neat story, great project, will you be sharing it on 365? I think there is a talent to be cultivated in order to have a good picture. Smiling of course is first on the list.
June 25th, 2013
@mcrt I tried to make my reply on this thread but it didn't work.
June 25th, 2013
@fullcircle Not sure why you can't open it. Works fine for me on a couple of browsers.
June 25th, 2013
thanks for sharing - i love this guy's style of writing. Am i understanding that you are just sharing this guy's link...?...or do you have something to do with this project, @mcrt ? - it is a little unclear.....maybe it's just been a very long day today for me! lol
June 25th, 2013
@sticksandstones Just sharing the link. Thought it was a cool one. Updated the first post to clarify. ;-)
June 25th, 2013
Great story, thanks for sharing.
June 30th, 2013
That was a good read, thanks for sharing!
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