
July 4th, 2013
I'm in Bristol this weekend for a wedding (not mine) and have a little free time before hand looking for interesting places to shoot and/or see, knowing you have awesome graffiti about where's best to go? Any skate parks?

Cheers muchly for you help

July 4th, 2013
@heathen25 Well the forecast is great for the weekend- almost too hot - so why not combine a bit of cooling off with a bit of photography? - here's my 2 most recent trips to Bristol:

Bristol - Castle Moat

(This is assuming you mean Bristol in England, as there are Bristols in Barbados, Jamaca, Peru, and Costa Rica, not to mention the 2 in Canada, or the 29 of them in the USA!)


>>Feeling Blue - my 365 days of one colour
July 5th, 2013
@styru haha thanks will take a look and yes Bristol UK there is no other haha
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