A day in the life of the KKK - photojournalism

August 16th, 2013
One of the least desirable of subjects but Anthony S. Karen wangled unrestricted access to the Klan for this bit of photojournalism.



August 16th, 2013
gosh...what else can I say!
August 16th, 2013
"I spend time with people, I listen to what they have to say,
and I treat each person as an individual. I don’t have to
believe what they believe, but whenever I’m in someone’s space,
I feel I’m obliged to observe without judgment.That's not to
say I wouldn't intervene if I felt a situation called for it,
but I choose to observe moment to moment and simply take in
what I see and experience without presumption or pretext,”
he said.

I put this on my wall.
August 16th, 2013
Well. Mixed feelings, yeah sure they're racists. But the first thing I noticed was the poverty, like Walker Evans photos from the 1930s. Poor white people living in isolation, ignored by the American dream and raised to thing its the fault of black folks. Education is the only way to beat that. Great pictures.
August 17th, 2013
Photographs always speak volumes.
We can disagree philosophically with people, but still care about them.
August 17th, 2013
Incredible - photographic insights like I've never seen before.
August 17th, 2013
@chewyteeth Eloquently stated.
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