Snowflake Pictures

January 27th, 2014
I'm super excited. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow and Wednesday (I live in Alabama, we get snow once every 10 years or so. So this is a big deal!!!). I want to try to "catch" snowflakes and photograph them. My question is what is the best way to do this?! Do I need to freeze a scarf, towel, blanket, etc so they will not melt?!? Any advice is appreciated!!!!!
January 27th, 2014
I know right, they're calling for snow here too. I'm polishing my macro lens in anticipation.

I tried it last year, it didn't really work but I used a nylon jacket to catch flakes on.
January 28th, 2014
Bahaaaaaaa! I think there are a bunch of us who are so "over" snow ;). I'm not an expert - I've only done snow flakes once and that was pretty much enough for me... I just looked for flakes on leaves and bark... But I think most try to catch and isolate them on scarves and such.... I'm sure you'll get loads of good advice here from others... Good luck, have fun and stay warm!!
January 28th, 2014
Get outside with a black scarf or something to catch flakes, then use all the best macro or faux macro stuff you have to get close up. A ring flash or other external flash can help, but the key is really slow-falling snow that happens to be flake sized. I've got a few recent examples that might give you some ideas ...

These were with my 50 mm lens and a +10 and +4 close-up filter screwed on the front. Also used my ring flash.

January 28th, 2014
You can leave your scarf or whatnot out overnight, if you want to, but mine got pretty cold once I moved it outside from inside, so it wasn't a big deal.
January 28th, 2014
Be prepared for your battery to run down quicker in the cold. You can have all the snow you want...I'm DONE with it. I hate winter in Iowa!
January 28th, 2014
Sending you lots of pixie dust for the "right" snowflakes. Not those granulated things we had lately.
January 28th, 2014
good luck! This is a great one from Clare @cailts. she's currently up to her butt in snow.

January 28th, 2014
Good question. I live in Georgia and we are supposed to get snow here, too. I just might have to try shooting some flakes!
January 28th, 2014
I love snow flake photos. Wish I could do that, shame it doesn't snow here even in winter, and also it's the wrong season.
January 28th, 2014

here is my attempt from this year. I have been trying many times. This one was quite ok I guess. My advice is to try to get the lighting right. And snowflake photos are very tricky to succeed in my opinion. Or perhaps I just havnt tried enough yet.
January 28th, 2014
Here are mine.not perfection but I liked them.just put out my scarf and let the snow fall!

January 28th, 2014

This is okay only thing I tried with color too blurry and I use b&w looks better. This one is my first one.
January 28th, 2014
@froggie0628 thanks for starting this thread Amanda. We are also suppose to get snow soon, (NC), I am excited too and may try to catch some flakes as well. Good luck with yours,
January 28th, 2014
I'm in Georgia and it's snowing like crazy right now but the flakes are teeny tiny so not sure if I'll be able to get anything good.
January 28th, 2014
These were taken on my patio table, no scarf or other surface under them. My best advice...don't breathe on them when you're taking the photo. :)

January 28th, 2014
Right now all we're getting is freezing rain. Got some pictures if icicles right now but that's it!!!!
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