The Sundance Film Festival - unusual photographs

January 28th, 2014
That is so cool! Thanks for sharing the link.
January 28th, 2014
fantastic. Love those
January 28th, 2014
Those were FREAKING cool. The very use of the long dead process is kind of neat. And you know, it's strange how much skin tones change. Fair skinned people do NOT fare well with tin type do they? And people with tanned complexions become much darker skinned. Very interesting.
What's fascinating is to think about how these people actually look today in HD photos, and to take that information and look back at old tin types of famous people from the past and wonder if they really looked like that. Does it make sense?
January 29th, 2014
Nice, thank you!
January 29th, 2014
so fantastic! thanks for sharing. it is really interesting how the medium and the processing really impact how we see people and how certain poses work or don't work w tin types. for instance, i could see how some poses really would work well with today's photography, but i hate them with the tintypes and vice versa. though i must say, i really loved the tintypes overall.
January 29th, 2014
Fascinating! Thanks for sharing!
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