Not so sad

March 28th, 2014
My followers will have seen a lot of fillers recently. During a week off work my husband and myself visited a rescue centre in Dorset called Monkey World. A lot of the comments I've received have said how sad they look. I feel that I need to stick up for this place if my photos have given the wrong impression. Maybe the animals do look sad in that moment that I've captured them but they really aren't (I always look moody in the selfies I take but it doesn't reflect how I really feel!). They're very well cared for, have plenty of space which is adapted to make it as natural as possible and it's obvious that they have a lovely bond with their keepers who they know so well. Here are a couple of my photos that elicited the 'sad' comments followed by a link to Monkey World's website.
March 28th, 2014

Please take the time to take a look. In no way do I want to do this wonderful place a disservice. I think they do a marvellous job
March 28th, 2014
I think you have captured a moment in time and like humans, animals have a range of emotions and show them.
March 28th, 2014
I regularly visit monkey world and find that all monkeys and apes are well looked after. I found that staff were dedicated in ensuring that they provided the best care possible, variety of foods, constantly finding ways to stimulate and occupy and always trying to replicate and teach what skills they would need in the wild. They do a wonderful job in rescuing and rehabilitation.
My husband and I always adopt some of the orang-utan's.
@psychographer Lisa your images are wonderful and I don't feel sad at all, thoughtful and a moment in time.
March 28th, 2014
We should congratulate places like this and well do e Lisa for highlighting their work. The expressions are of thoughtfulness, not sadness, and beautifully captured by you x
March 28th, 2014
I've been following the work of Monkey World for many years and know what a fantastic place it is so didn't think for a second that you were doing MW a disservice.

Your superb photo of the orang-utan is amazing but it's packed full of emotion - not just because of the expression but also the faint blur of the fencing. It did pull on my heart strings.
March 28th, 2014
love these shots Lisa - I think you've caught their natural expressions beautifully. I'm generally now a big fan of zoos etc but have heard excellent reports of Monkey World
March 28th, 2014
Their eyes and expressions are so like ours - I think what bothers most of us is that we put ourselves in their place, and wouldn't like to live in captivity.
March 28th, 2014
The pictures are beautiful. There are so many places out there (zoos, circuses, labs, etc) that treat captive animals terribly my first instinct is always sadness. But I can see from your link that this organization is doing a wonderful job. Kudos to you for bringing attention to them. :-)
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