Pixels Are Cheap: Photography Lessons I Learned From My Children by Jessica Ford

February 10th, 2011
Cute and informative article...thanks for sharing.
February 10th, 2011
Good lessons to learn! Thanks!
February 10th, 2011
that's pretty much how i photograph,i snap away happily,taking pic after pic,much to my husband's infuriation,he doesn't "get" why and being short means i see things differently to a more average sized adult, i probably only keep about 50% at the most of what i take but deleting is quicker than waiting for the perfect shot
February 10th, 2011
I started out like that but after a while I kind of lost the mentality.... I need to get back in the groove of it again....
February 10th, 2011
Always sharing something good. Thanks
February 10th, 2011
My niece takes pictures of her parents together and some other neat shots. Definitely fun watching her take them and then seeing what she gets afterward.

I am also of the mind to snap now and think/delete later. Only issue is i come home with 400+ photos a day and if I don't go through them, I get backed up very quickly. I'm really glad digital doesn't cost anything to develop.
February 10th, 2011
I like the comment about getting down to the child's height to see things differently. I do a lot of landscapes, and with a wide angle, getting down as low as necessary and pointing up makes all the difference.

I will bet that all photogs that do this have an aching back.
February 11th, 2011
Yep, if you are trying for the million dollar shot in one direction and it isn't working, turn around and take a picture in the other direction. Might be better than what you were working on.

Also, many times the first shot of a series is the best to use.

Great article
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