.The Arrow of Time & your family portraits

February 17th, 2011
I love this, what a great idea.
Meet Diego, Susy and family. Every June 17th since 1976 Diego has photographed himself, wife and family to create a wondderful gallery they call 'The Arrow of Life'.

Click here to see the article or view the brief snapshot below.

I assume none of us have spent 32 years documenting our familys but please feel free to share your family portraits

February 17th, 2011
This is brilliant... Totally awesome =o)
February 17th, 2011
What an amazing thing to do. Hmm I wonder if I could start this now....

Will definetely read the article when I have a spare moment.

As for sharing family portraits here is a quick collage I did the other week to show the similarities between my boys and I as we are always being told how alike the three of us are lookwise.

The top row is me, middle left my son Callum aged 1 year (he is now 7 years old), middle right my son Riley probably about 6/7 months old (he's 11 months old now), bottom left my two guys together being cheeky.
February 17th, 2011
@andrewdearling Thanks for sharing this idea - what a legacy! So simple but so rich.
February 17th, 2011
This is fabulous, what a great idea.
February 17th, 2011
I love this and some years ago started to do with my family too.

February 17th, 2011
Love this... so cool! Thanks for sharing!
February 17th, 2011
Its wonderful, but when I look back at me & @mrjuggles through the decades all I can think is 'urgh' when I see how ungracefully we are ageing LOL
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