78 Photography Rules for Complete Idiots

February 25th, 2011
Remember they're for COMPLETE IDIOTS

February 25th, 2011
awesome. Had to bookmark that!
February 25th, 2011
This is great and although a joke I don't agree with numbers 4 and 7.
February 25th, 2011
There's quite a few points that I don't agree with, actually. Was funny to read though, thanks for sharing. :)
February 25th, 2011
Haha, love!
February 25th, 2011
I love it!! Thank you for sharing. :)
February 25th, 2011
Quite funny, I don't agree with some of them though!
February 25th, 2011
Now my onion photos will be perfect!!
February 25th, 2011
I'm a total rule breaker or complete idiot. Maybe this is why my husband bought me the digital photography for dummies book! haha Most of the rules I break, though are done intentionally. At least that's what I tell myself!
February 25th, 2011
i think that is a great link! granted, rules are meant to be broken, but it is also good to know when / how to break them best. i shared that link with a friend who has a camera... hopefully the pics will not all be mirror self shots with flash on and the such.
February 25th, 2011
That's so funny! Now, I know why photography can be so dang hard. There are too many rules! ;-)
February 25th, 2011
I disagree with rule # 58 and how the heck did he capture a picture of me running in #68, I never saw anyone around!
Thanks for sharing the link!
February 25th, 2011
This was hilarious. I bookmarked it to share with my 7th grade photography students. They will love some of the more silly ones.
February 25th, 2011
There are occasions where all of those tips would be invalid (except for the lens cap one)
February 25th, 2011
Haha this is so funny! "When taking a picture of a sunset, it is better not to miss the sunset...." LOL
February 25th, 2011
Too funny. #10 cracks me up. I'm always blinking every time a camera is pointed in my direction.
February 25th, 2011
78? Too many to remember so I'll probably do some of these although I'll try to remember 2 and 12 ;-)
February 25th, 2011
thats brilliant!
February 26th, 2011
LMAO! I love the comment about trying to avoid taking pics whilst drunk
February 26th, 2011
hahahahaha!!! hilarious!!! :D
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