What is the most unusual place which you photographed?

March 5th, 2011
What is the most unusual place which you photographed?
March 5th, 2011
I begin in photography, thus I have not still had the opportunity to photograph of unusual places but I am curious to see your photos.
March 5th, 2011
This (abandoned) house! It was so eerie - I didn't expect to find anything interesting and only went closer to get texture in the bricks, until I discovered there was furniture and... well, a person!

Also, this was kinda spooky too. I stumbled on it in the park...

March 5th, 2011
@indiannie_jones Please explain about the person!
March 5th, 2011
I don't have any examples, but we have a local cemetery in which a lot of people like to do wedding photo's. Beautiful place, but always struck me as odd.
March 5th, 2011
@laceyjogautreau Haha, see why the caption made sense?

Well, basically, I was taking photos of where the windows used to be/should've been and as I went a little further, I spotted the chair and inside that room (the black part) there was a bed with someone in it! It freaked me out so I left... after taking the photos, haha!
March 5th, 2011

The swimming pool (above) or at 5,600m (below)

March 5th, 2011
I found this driving down a dirt road looking for a photo. It was cold and icy. Quite scary for me!

March 5th, 2011
While on-stage at The Waterfront in Norwich -

March 5th, 2011
Maybe this one, but I tend to take picture in strange places so I guess there are some more.

March 5th, 2011
In the cemetery... I just feel so lucky that it was bright that day... but it was really creepy and I was alone that time...

March 5th, 2011
Not sure if these are unusual, but maybe unique. Top image is 96 and 98 St Marks Pl in NYC. This is the building used on the cover of Led Zeppelins Physical Graffiti album.

Bottom image is the 100+ ft tall cement cross atop Mt. Davidson, the highest point in San Francisco, infamous for a scene in the original Dirty Harry movie.

March 6th, 2011
in the bath!

March 6th, 2011
In a storm drain (well I think it is)...
March 6th, 2011
@shortperson2002 - Wow. that's stunning! :)
March 6th, 2011
Exotic Person County, North Carolina.
March 6th, 2011
Not allowed to go down there to get this shot. But this is Thailand so I managed.

March 6th, 2011

on a balcony outside....in 28 degree Fahrenheit weather!!! it was soooo cold!
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