Eagle laying egg

March 8th, 2011
I know there's a lot of wildlife photogs/lovers in this group. I stalk web cams at this time of year and saw that there was a video posted of Mama Eagle giving birth to her first egg (this season). Amazing to watch - how blessed to be able to see this.

I do usually follow the Hornby Eagles and they've suffered some devastating losses - watched Phoenix rise last year and then a few months old she died. I cried for days over that one.

Anyway, wanted to share.

March 8th, 2011

We are seeing more and more Bald Eagles in our area. I too posted a link to the Hancock Wildlife Foundation web cams.

I'm surprised at how quiet this mom is laying her egg. Thanks for sharing.
March 8th, 2011
It's herring season here but I'm noticing a lack of eagle activity. They say because the chum were down the eagles are dying from starvation. So far not much herring either - praying that it's a bounty this year and the eagles do well.

Check out the Hornby Eagles on facebook too. I loved it last year till Phoenix died. She was so beautiful.
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