Full Moon - largest and brightest since 1992

March 9th, 2011

next weekend - saturday the 19th March will be the largest and brightest full moon for a while if anyone wants to practise their moon photography :D
March 9th, 2011
Awesome! Thanks for the heads-up! Now I'll have to start praying for clear skies for a change!
March 9th, 2011
@dejongdd me too fingers crossed theres no clouds :D
March 9th, 2011
well, it's been clear skies for the last week - bound to be cloudy next week then :-(
March 9th, 2011
@andycoleborn thats true the laws of chaos do rule ;D
March 9th, 2011
i read about this last week, and my inital thought was "i hope the skies are clear so i can shoot it!"
March 9th, 2011
woohoo, I will need reminded of this nearer the time though but definitely want to give it a go
March 9th, 2011
That sounds great! I hope we'll have a clear sky this time. Last month the full moon was totally veiled... :-(
March 9th, 2011
Precise full moon is at 18.10 (UK time), remember a full moon always rises on the horizon at dusk - and looks much bigger as it first appears, so shoot it as early as you can. :-)
March 9th, 2011
@cazink @andycoleborn more like Sod's Law. I'll have to try and get a few shots myself that night. Ta for the heads up
March 9th, 2011
@cazink Hee Hee I was just reading about this! Thanks for sharing!
@sburbidge Thanks for the heads up, will have to leave work on time for once then!!!
March 9th, 2011
@charli321 you're welcome :)
March 9th, 2011
Thanks for sharing! That happens to be my birthday, what a lovely birthday present it would be to have clear skies to photograph it!
March 9th, 2011
sweet :) and the direction of the moon rise for me should be directly over the sea, just got to hope for clear skies now
March 9th, 2011
Thanks for the notice! I've tried a few times but all failed attempts...
March 10th, 2011
Thanks! I've been wanting to try this for a while now but I only have a point and shoot. Not much zoom.
March 10th, 2011

Same here :-( I was so hoping to capture that last moon, but it lapsed way below expectation.
March 10th, 2011
thanks for the notice really want to get a moon, but I never ready when it is
March 10th, 2011
awesome! thanks for the info. I have always wanted to get a shot of the moon but have never been able to... I am usually in a moving vehicle when I try... silly me.
March 10th, 2011
Cool, as I now have a tripod, remote shutter & a longer lens (all though maybe not long enough to get a really good shot!), but I have tried so many times to get a moon shot as I do have a bit of a love affair with it!
March 10th, 2011
Sweetness! Cant wait to shoot this
March 11th, 2011
Thanks Carly and I hope I get a chance to get another somewhat like this:

March 11th, 2011
@cazink Thanks for the update. I'm ready!
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