Appalachian Trail in 4 minutes....

March 11th, 2011
I fell out of bed laughing so hard when I read Bill Bryson's Walkabout - 'bout his trek and experiences along the 2200 miles of the Appalachian Trail which made me ache to do at least a small part of it. A dream I hope to accomplish one day. I still need to read some more ... and choose the exact bit I want to do.

A friend of mine who knows my passion for walking and my interest in this trail sent me an article yesterday by Caleb Garling: Here is a short piece from it: Thought I'd share it with you all and the 4 minute movie.

'Gallagher’s first-person short film, The Green Tunnel, allows anyone to experience his six-month hike from Georgia to Maine in less than four minutes.

Back in spring 2005, the Virginia-based hiking enthusiast — who goes by the trail name “Fester” — hiked the Appalachian Trail and stopped every day to take 24 snapshots of quintessential sections of this famed route. By the end, he’d collected more than 4,000 slides — yes, slides — which, at first, sat in storage boxes due to tight finances and a still-restless wandering spirit.

Once Gallagher had enough money, curiosity started to get the better of him. “It was an experiment,” he recalled. “I was shooting film, so I really had no idea that anything would come of it until I was able to piece it together, long after the hike.”

Here is the movie:

The idea of being along the trail, in the middle of nowhere, in a remote part, with nature all around me and being in my own headspace - it would be just totally awesome. Hope some of you would agree :)

March 11th, 2011
Wonder how many extra shots he had to take and not use to make this.
March 11th, 2011
That's great! I have done a few slide shows with 20+ images, but this is something else! Thanks for sharing.
March 11th, 2011
@thebluegnu - That book was amazing! Thanks for sharing!
March 11th, 2011
@thebluegnu - I must admit, at one point I had wanted to try it, but Brysons book scared me. ;-P
March 11th, 2011
@thebluegnu @crappysailor I agree with Anthony on both counts! My brother has a cabin in Canada that’s in a pretty remote place where you can stay for a weeks and not see another person. I feel less likely to be eaten by a bear when I’m in a cabin versus a tent.
March 11th, 2011
@thebluegnu Bill Bryson rocks! Have gifted him to quite a few people.
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