15 Stunning Long Exposure Examples

May 14th, 2010
Hi guys! ;-)

The weekend is almost here, and while looking for some inspiration for this week's theme, I stumbled upon these photos:


Check them out and get inspired! :-) I'll be on the lookout for a good long exposure subject! ;-)

Wishing you all a great weekend! :-)

P.S. Here is some more cool ones:

May 14th, 2010
I've seen this article multiple times and every time I see it I wish they gave more information than just the exposure time. I'd like to know ISO and everything else about their process.
Like one shot has an exposure of 60 minutes and it looks perfect! I want to know how that can be!
May 14th, 2010
Chris, I also thought there would be more info posted, as mentioned in the beginning of the article.....alas! The photos look cool, though! I've never attempted a long exposure shot, so I am browsing the Internet now to get some ideas. Sorry this was just a teaser, and not too informational for you!
May 14th, 2010
Thanks for sharing this Slava! Wow! It really makes me want to give some long-exposure shots a try!
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