Do You Try and Follow Back All of Your Followers?

July 6th, 2011
I've been looking through the people that I follow and the people that I communicate with on a regular basis, it's a very hectic task. I realised a lot of the people who comment on my photos and leave me lovely feedback regularly I'm actually not following when I thought I was. Do you try and follow back as soon as possible? Or does that look desperate..? I'm currently looking though all of my followers and following back the ones I'm not following.

Also, a lot of the people I follow seem to have vanished. Am I just unlucky? Would you remove them from followers? I don't want to be mean!

And thank you everyone for your lovely feedback and comments. It really is appreciated. I get so much inspiration from the people on this site!

July 6th, 2011
It depends to me. If they are one of those people that follows hundreds and hundreds of people then I don't tend to. If however they have a similar number of followers to friends then I am usually likely to, especially if they don't have many. Also, I use the zombie follower thing to find out people that haven't posted in a while and I tend to get rid of the ones who haven't posted in a long while. But then I like to keep things tidy :)
July 6th, 2011
Yes I just feel mean removing people who haven't posted in a while =(

July 6th, 2011
I just noticed that as soon as I started doing my month of selfies challenge, I lost several followers, which I was all like, "am I really THAT bad to look at??" , but then I saw that some of my original followers that don't post anymore have had their accounts deleted in the past couple of days, so that made me feel a little better, lol.
As far as your question goes, I used to follow back immediately, but then got overwhelmed with trying to keep up with commenting and stopped. Now I always return the favour for people that comment and view regularly and sometimes notice that someone's photos who I comment on daily and really enjoy, I haven't been following, so I try and rectify that when I come across it.
July 6th, 2011
I have to say i don't immediately follow someone who follows me. I do go and look at their pictures and if after a while they are still commenting and I like their work I will follow back. But I don't follow for its sake, why follow someone if their work is not really to your taste or you feel you could learn from? I follow some people who have never commented on my work and vice versa. And yes, from time to time I go through my friends list, to check out folk I haven't heard from for a while and if they haven't posted for sometime I may remove them. As @cally says...I like to keep things tidy too!
July 6th, 2011
Yes you both made very good points there. I'm not really bothered too much about followers as I just enjoy the site and I'm doing this for myself. Although I must admit it is fabulous when people follow back. But if they don't leave feedback on your photos then I don't suppose there's much point to following someone really is there.

@Cherrill @pwallis
July 6th, 2011
You actually cannot remove those who follow you.

I thank people the first time they comment on a photo. I try to follow most that follow me, but some times I am just not a fan of what they are doing and will not follow. I always take the time every few weeks, to go and comment on photos of anyone who follows me. There are people I swore I was following but turns out I was not and I also have people that I knew were following only a few days before that end up refollowing me.

I also will unfollow people that have not been active in two months, unless in their last photo commented that they were taking a break.
July 6th, 2011
No, there are too many for me to keep up with. I don't really follow for the photos anyway, I usually follow for the friendships... they just all happen to be great photographers too :)
July 6th, 2011
@miley89 Having said that, I do follow people who's style I really like and want to learn from, and if they don't follow me back, no worries. I'm here to learn, for the most part, and I really appreciate the exchange of knowledge that happens here. The connections we make are a bonus side effect to that:)
July 6th, 2011
Yes I see that you cannot remove people who are following you. I enjoy looking through lots of photos on here as the inspiration is endless! My internet has been down for quite a while, but I do go to the library and make sure I'm up to date with my posting. Just recently I have been posting backdated 3-5 ish pictures a day, which I really hate doing! Do you upload every day?

July 6th, 2011
That is really cool =)

July 6th, 2011
I follow the people that actively follow me. IMHO even if I'm not into their specific style of photography, if they take the time to comment on my photos I feel it's only right to reciprocate.

I don't feel bad "unfollowing" people who haven't posted in 6-8 weeks, unless I know they plan to be back. If someone stops posting for a long time, 365 isn't their priority at this time. It's not mean to focus your time/energy on those who are able to devote their time/energy to 365. I'm not sure if that made sense, but it's not mean. :)
July 6th, 2011
So very true!

July 6th, 2011
@miley89 I don't follow people for the feedback they are going to give me, I follow them because I really love their style/subject/technique, it's not necessarily so that they will like mine.
July 6th, 2011
Yes, but I wouldn't follow somebody if I wasn't going to comment on their photos. The people I follow just seem to be vanishing.

July 6th, 2011
@miley89 : I usually follow back people whose pictures I really like. I'd love to follow back everyone following me plus follow more people whose work I admire but I can already not do justice to all my friends and it upsets me but unfortunately my other life demands some time as well :(. I sometimes sift through the people I follow and delete the ones who haven't posted for over two months. Sometimes they still come back though and then I feel mean as well. I wish they'd leave a message saying they either quit or will be back...
@cally : What is that "zombie follower thing"? Sounds interesting ;).
July 6th, 2011
@jannaellen @eyebrows wrote it. It simply scans all the people you are following and who are following you and lets you know which ones of them haven't posted in a month or so. I don't have many followers or followees, but I think it's still good to cull the ones who aren't posting. Here's the link
July 6th, 2011
That's pretty cool. Where'd you find that?

July 6th, 2011
@miley89 Oh it was in one of the discussions. The Beast né Teddy Bear or @eyebrows wrote it. Just think it's quite a useful tool :)
July 6th, 2011
Oh right cool. Perhaps I could have looked through one of the old discussions instead of posting a fresh one. Never mind eh =))
July 6th, 2011
@miley89 I try to upload every day and for about three weeks my internet was down so most of my photos were shot and edited on my iphone which makes it much easier for me.
July 6th, 2011
Cool. I really want an iPhone I love those Hipstamatic shots =D

July 6th, 2011
@miley89 I found the zombie follow/following list finder.. It tells you who hasnt posted for 28 days etc so if you want you can delete some of your followers xx
July 6th, 2011
I don't follow everyone who follows me. I appreciate the follows, but some just aren't that great in my opinion. Also, I wouldn't be able to keep up with everyone's photos if I did.
July 6th, 2011
When someone follows me or makes a comment on one of my photos, I always try to respond right away. I feel if they take the time to notice me, it's nice if I do the same. First I check out several of their photos and oftentimes I'm so impressed I end up following them. There are all kinds of photographers on 365, so I try to be encouraging to everyone-since there a few who follow me that are sooo much better than I am. I like the fact that in some small way I can do something for the good of others.
July 6th, 2011
I'll have conversations with people who comment on my stuff, but I'll only follow someone if I either really like their stuff, or if I build up a good rapport with them. I find it's a bit disingenuous if I automatically followed everyone who followed me. Someone likes what I do, so I'm expected to like what they do? Nope.jpg :)
July 6th, 2011
It depents. For me you have to wonder why you starts the 365 project . I am happy to take photos every day (or once a week) . It requires some creativity and that part of myself is challenged :). Of course it's really nice when you get many comments but for me it is not the most important. If I am happy with the photo it is okay. That counts for me.
Positive feedback is always good but that I find hard to do. Because I want to remain courteous. Also English is not my native language so it's sometimes difficult to tell exactly what I mean.
It is also nice to follow people which you think you can learn a lot. This do not necessarily need to be the person that is following you.
Conclusion: Everything is and remains very personal.
July 6th, 2011
@cally works good! thanks.
July 6th, 2011
Good question. I went through my followers the other day and did the same thing. Like you, I thought I was already follwing a lot of them when I wasn't. As far as those that don't post often or have stopped, I usually unfollow them. I check to make sure it has been at least a couple months since their last post. This is just me though.
July 6th, 2011
July 6th, 2011
I do. I see it as good manners. If they can take the time to follow me, then I will make the time to try to follow them too, especially if they are looking and leaving comments on my photos :o)
July 6th, 2011
@tori3012 Thank you for posting that link! :o)
July 6th, 2011
Your project, your rules. With so many people on the site, everyone has a different way doing things. Do what works for you.
July 6th, 2011
I usually just follow the people that post photos I'm interested in on a regular basis.
July 7th, 2011
I follow everyone that follows me. And I comment on everyone's photos that take the time to comment on mine.
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