slacking =/

May 19th, 2010
i love my 365 project and want to keep it as updated as much as possible but i catch myself slacking off. I go days without even updating it. There are times where I just feel as though I am not inspired. I see people who are really committed to this and make sure they get a picture up each day. Anyone have any friendly advice for a slacker like me.?!
May 19th, 2010
Hi Leah,

I just had a look at your project. I love the idea behind it. "Finding beauty in things you normally wouldn't notice".

As for slacking off ... are you taking photos every day and not just uploading or are you slacking off with the photos too? If its the former, I usually upload my photos in a batch 2 -3 times a week. I find if you allocate a time (after dinner on Wednesday for example) to do the uploading you soon get into the habit. Sometimes I have a photo I really like and can't wait to share and those ones usually go up that day :-)
May 19th, 2010
coffee..... :-)

Just kidding......everyone has those times I'm sure...If you can't upload for a short time, who cares! Just resume where you left off! I would just say "challenge yourself" .....take your camera when you go out (if possible)...there's always something to'll do fine!
May 19th, 2010
thank you lisa, its actually the latter of the two. i wish i could take pics everyday, im really going to try, starting tomorrow. There are definitely days where i cant wait to put a picture up, hopefully ill have one of those soon! =)

& TJ, i LOVE coffee! lol i wish that could solve the problem! i haven't been bringing my camera with me, which obv needs to change. thank you for your kind words! im starting off on a new note!
May 19th, 2010
Oh, and I find the weekly themes are great for inspiration too.
May 19th, 2010
If you are trying to actually accomplish the "365 project" of taking a photo everyday, I say let go of worrying about getting a perfect arty shot everyday. That way, the days you *are* inspired you can take, edit, and upload your "masterpieces", and the days you are not, you can take, edit, and upload your "bloggy" shots and be happy with that.

As I read from another user "Everyday isn't gonna be Ansel Adams". (paraphrased)

The way I figure it, a photo is a photo, each photo gets me closer to my goal of 365 photos. Yes, I would like most of my photos to be good ones, but I'm not going to boo-hoo if a few are crap shots. I'd rather have crap shots than miss a day or cheat.

May 19th, 2010
You're so right Jenn! You guys are hitting the head on all the things i been doing lol. i do tend to worry that my photos wont be upload worthy. I so have to keep that quote in the back of my head. thanks a lot..its really great advice.
May 19th, 2010
I am having the same problem lately.. feeling very although I log in regularly and check pictures and comment on them but I feel kinda lazy when it comes to updating my pictures and I postpone it to next day... this has been going for quite a while.... :(
May 19th, 2010
What sort of camera do you use? If it's an SLR maybe you should consider getting a small P&S so you can keep it in your pocket and carry it with you. I find that's what helps me (not that I have an SLR) cos it means if I see something I can stop and take a photo.
May 20th, 2010
i actually use my digital camera =/. it's not so bad, it fits snuggly where ever i take it

@metatransitions, don't worry girl, we'll get out of our slump. i made sure today i had my camera with me and took a shot of something to make sure i had one for today!
May 20th, 2010
I do a few things:
In my offtime think about things I'd like to photograph, and figure out how I want to take it, which will prepare me for a shot
I also strap my camera to me and just always have it at the ready - sometimes I'll just stroll around the office, or my yard, looking.
May 24th, 2010
ive made sure that, for the paste few days to always bring my camera with me everywhere i go! its working! thanks guys
June 1st, 2010
I take my camera everywhere with me. I haven't had a problem taking a photo each day - though sometimes trying to find something worth shooting can be a challenge - but I had a terrible workflow before I joined 365 Project and ended up being three months behind with my posting. This was partly because I was combining it with a blog which doubles the work and, on reflection, was a bad idea. Try and set yourself a time to do your posting, say, once a week.
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