Changes coming - June 2024

by Ross S. on Apr 21st 2024

Hello 365ers,

Over the last few weeks we have been making some changes behind the scenes and have some new changes incoming real soon.

Tweaks to Ace Member privacy settings

Members have mentioned they would like simpler privacy controls for their project, and most importantly to be able to have these options apply to their whole account.
Today we're pleased to announce that Ace Members can now change their Privacy options in your account settings and these changes are applied retroactively across all your historical photos (with a few nuances).
For more information on how the privacy options work, visit the Privacy Feature FAQ.

Download Archive feature

Ace Members have a useful new feature to download monthly archives of your albums.
These archives contain...

  • The full resolution original photos you uploaded

  • The dates, titles and descriptions you wrote with your photos

  • An HTML document where you can view your photos and titles/descriptions presented nicely.

This feature has been available for a few months during it's testing phase, if you haven't tried it and backed-up your photos yet, we suggest you give it a go.
You can access this new feature on the "month" view of your project..


Ace membership price increase

We have some important news to share with you about Ace membership. Starting June 1st, the annual price of Ace membership and renewals will increase to $29.99. This is a necessary step to ensure the sustainability and quality of our site. We appreciate your loyalty and support over the years, and we want to continue providing you with a valuable service that meets your needs and expectations.

This price increase will allow us to invest in upgrading our infrastructure, which will improve the performance and security of the site. It will also enable us to develop new features that will enhance your experience

For those whose renewal is due before the end of May, you will have the opportunity to renew at the current price. Additionally, non-Ace members can still purchase an Ace Membership at the current price until June 1st.
We appreciate your understanding and continued support as we strive to provide you with an exceptional user experience and secure the future of our platform.

Restrictions for free accounts

We have always strived to provide a comprehensive free version of the site for people just starting out - however the burden of hosting large quantities of photos for free accounts is impacting the long-term sustainability of our platform.
While there have always been gentle restrictions in place for free accounts, we will now be implementing them more rigorously. Effective June 1st, members who possess a substantial number of photos but do not support the site through Ace membership will experience restrictions on their accounts.

The restrictions will include...

  • A maximum of 365 historical photos will be accessible. (newest photos visible, older photos will be hidden)

  • For members with a very high numbers of photos, new uploads will no longer be accepted.

We appreciate your understanding as we implement these measures to ensure the continued availability of our services and maintain a sustainable environment for all users.

Tweaks to photo view counts

We have been making some changes to how we count the number of views your photo receives. Since the dawn of time we've only been counting views when they occur on the individual photos page. As of May 22 we have now additionally started counting views from the home page feed as well - hopefully this gives a more complete picture of how many eyeballs are seeing your photos.

Search updated - Discussions and Blogs

The old search for discussion threads and blog posts was becoming out-of-date. This has been revamped and hopefully improved. Feedback welcome!

Thank you from Ross!

365 is a wonderful community I love being a part of and hope I can continue for a long time! Running this site is a privilege and I'm amazed every day by the quality of the photos and discourse between members on the site.

I hope that members who enjoy 365 for the community and the service we offer will choose to continue supporting the site.

April 21st, 2024
Ross, thank you so much for all your hard work. i have no problem with the price increase and hope everyone would be, too. the download feature is a great thing to have and i hope to use it soon. again, thank you!
April 22nd, 2024
Ross @scrivana you have the wrong year for June, should be 2024!
April 22nd, 2024
Thanks for everything you do to keep this site and community going Ross. Appreciate the improvements and will happily pay the new price. It’s still a bargain!
April 22nd, 2024
Great job Ross. Thanks for all you do.
April 22nd, 2024
Thanks for keeping this site going Ross
April 22nd, 2024
Thank you for the information, Ross, and thank you for the time you put into this site to keep it going well for us. It's such a wonderful place to share pictures from all over the world.
April 23rd, 2024
Thank you for all you do Ross! You’ve created the context for an awesome community here…. Agree with the others…. Still an absolute bargain at the new price 🙂
April 23rd, 2024
It's so well worth the price increase, Ross! Thank you very much for all your efforts and keeping 365 up and running.
April 23rd, 2024
I was confused too - at the top it needs to say June 2024.

I don't mind the price rise, in fact I would pay more per year if we could have some decent search functions in here both for photos, but also for finding topics that have been posted.
(I know we have search but it is terribly limited and clunky)

I've been an ACE member here for quite a lot of years and have never seen the price go up, so it's definitely worth it for you to improve the structure behind it all.

thank you Ross!
April 23rd, 2024
@koalagardens Thanks for the feedback on search! Definitely something that could be improved upon. I'll get thinking about it!
April 24th, 2024
Thank you, for this wonderful site and all you do behind the scenes to keep it running.
April 24th, 2024
Thanks for improving this wonderful site. The price increase is reasonable.
April 24th, 2024
Thanks, Ross, for all your efforts in running and constantly trying to improve the features of this great site.
April 25th, 2024
Thank you for all that you do to keep this site up and running! Love 365. :)
April 25th, 2024
Thanks for this 365project. I would hate to be without it now.
April 26th, 2024
Thanks Ross, pretty much all I know about photogging has been learnt here in 365.

I've only been here 8 years, and in that time you've tweaked, improved and enhanced the site regularly. And that's what we pay for. 😊
April 26th, 2024
I agree entirely with @koalagardens as I also have been an Ace Member for a number of years. The point about improving the search facility is a good one, Ross please consider. I must say that I also thing the price rise is no problem as the community here is well worth the money. Thanks boss for this awesome sight.
April 26th, 2024
Thank you for this information. I like the monthly calendar download.
April 28th, 2024
@Scrivna oh that's exciting - what would really help is if the search were not only equals, but we could choose to search contains

eg I know there is was a post in the last couple of weeks about six word story but I can't search posts on sixws - I have to know the exact name of the post. same if I wonder what is the latest sixws number, I have to already know

the other really helpful thing would be to be able to specify how many posts I want to see in each of the categories. there are only 10 per page and we are prolific here so sometimes I have to go back 5 or 6 pages to find something recent. if I could choose to see the last 50 posts ...
and if we could see the date a post was created in the list of posts that would really help a lot too

thanks for responding so positively!
April 30th, 2024
I've updated the Discussion and Blog search functionality to better reflect your feedback @koalagardens

Let me know what you think!

I've also updated the Discussions list to show 20 results instead of 10.

I've added the date the discussion threads were started.
May 3rd, 2024
Very useful information and terrific updates. And a price increase after well over 10 years is completely reasonable!
May 6th, 2024
Thanks, Ross, for all you have done and continue to do! 11th year for me, and even though I'm not the regular I was in the early years, I keep coming back because of this delightful community you have created.
June 4th, 2024
@Scrivna - I think this should have been communicated better for those who weren't currently ace members. Having 95% of my project locked out, and seeing that ace membership is now 50% more wasn't too fun. And it looks like if I do sign up, I still will loose access to view older photos of others who aren't ace and have more than a year of photos. So I'd be paying more and getting less in return.

I have paid for ace for a few years mainly to support the site, the ace features aren't really important to me, but it's crappy to feel like I'm either forced into it, or forced off the site.
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