Magic Monkeys gone AWOL??

August 5th, 2011
Is it me or has the PP come to a stand still? Is everyone on vacation? I love looking at all pics and especially love the Popular Page but I've now seen every pic there is on there for the past 3 days......!! Just wondered.
August 5th, 2011
There are new pics up today that weren't there last night.
August 5th, 2011
...I guess it's just me then!!!
August 5th, 2011
I don't have a problem with it right now because I finally made the PP after a long dry spell. ;) Seriously, though, there are some (including mine) that have been on it longer than usual.
August 5th, 2011
I take what I said back. I went on earlier today and no changes, but it looks like there's several new ones now.
August 5th, 2011
I guess even Magic Monkeys need a vacation :-)
August 5th, 2011
@lisjam1 - Oh yes I saw yours CONGRATS!! Yes, I've now seen one or two more!
August 5th, 2011
@emeraldboots - Ha - yes I guess they do!!
August 5th, 2011
I love the Magic Monkeys for their hard work but Pop Page turnover does seem to have been slow for a while now for some reason. Perhaps they need more bananas!!
August 5th, 2011
Throw 'em these!

August 5th, 2011
@judithg - Ha, yep I think so!!
August 5th, 2011
@lluniau - Ha ha, that should do it!! (Cool pic too!)
August 5th, 2011
This has been my biggest complaint about the PP lately. Not that I'd really complain, but I had noticed that some pics seem to linger for a long time. Given the number of threads from folks wondering how to get onto the PP it'd be nice if those coveted positions were freed up so more people get the chance to be on there. As a frequent visitor to the PP I get bored seeing the same shots on there for more than a day. That said, everyone's entitled to a vacation now and then, even monkeys.
August 5th, 2011
The PP has had me boggled for a while now. I had been on and off it several times the first few months. I haven't done anything different and yet I still never seem to get on there anymore. I had one photo on the PP with only 1 Fave which made no sense either, seeing that usually it took me several FAVES to get there. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought people made it according to how many faves they had. That's what it seemed.

I too noticed that some photos stay on there much longer than others. It's strange. To me the fun of making it the PP has lost it's flair since there's no consistency. Kind of sad....What fun is it to 'win' (for lack of a better word) if there's no true known goal to reach in order to get on the PP? It's so random. Not to knock some photos, but I scratch my head at some that make it there. Most are truly spectacular, but others? Who knows.
August 5th, 2011
maybe we should have another theme for August like Save the photo monkeys. We could all do pictures of banannas as another member die and tag them "save our photo monkeys ;)" just saying.
August 5th, 2011
I don't think so... my stripped photo was yesterday on the Pop Page and now it's gone hehe I had my 15 minutes of fame though
August 5th, 2011
@potsbypam - Oh I'm loving that idea!! Too funny!!
August 5th, 2011
@andrebarrande - Congrats on getting on there!!! Yeah, I've been on there a few times (there's one on there now) and sometimes they're on for days, then next time, they disappear after what seems like 10 mins!
August 5th, 2011 your idea Pam! Undecided if the Monkeys are mad at us or on vacation or?? I am always amazed at how thrilled I am if I ever get on the PP...even if it is for 15 seconds! I love looking at the photos on PP as I am truly impressed with all the talent on this 365 project.
August 5th, 2011
@marytj - Oh, I love being on there, if only for a short time too! There sure are lots of talented 365ers.
August 5th, 2011
Vowed never to post again on this subject because aim totally frustrated by the arcane algorithms of the Magic Monkeys, but I can not restain myself any longer. I had a picture that was viewed over 250 times
And it never made the popular page. Maybe you can figure it out; I sure can't. To avoid daily aggravation, I rarely visit that page any more. I do think if the images changed a
Every few hours, it would be moe entertaining and give more people a chance.
August 5th, 2011
@allie912 - I totally agree with you re the change-over time. I think maybe a day is fine to make sure all time-zones around the world get to see them but then, to give others a chance, they should be switched. I'm sorry you've been so frustrated by this. I just checked your pic out and it's really cool! As is the commentary!
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