What it means to be an everyday photographer

August 14th, 2011
After looking at a website suggested by @frontporchview ( http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/7960/website-for-photo-ideas) I came across an article called "What It Means To Be An Everyday Photographer"

"Everyday photography is a style of it’s own. We are the photographers dedicated to creating a moment when none may appear. We are the photographers who seek out good light on the darkest days, even if that means opening our refrigerators. Nothing is really off limits. We’ll carry our cameras anywhere to get “the shot.”

Somedays our photos happen in one click. Somedays we find ourselves clicking two hundred frames to find one we call the photo of the day.

Somedays our photos find us naturally, organically. Easily.

Other days we jump out of bed at 10PM to grab a photo of anything. Anything to keep our habit growing.

It is a habit. A ritual. A part of who we are"
Read more here: http://captureyour365.com/2011/06/what-it-means-to-be-an-everyday-photographer/

I found myself agreeing with prety much all the points made and I'd guess most people reading this will too.
August 14th, 2011
Yeap cetainly do. on Friday I went to a meeting after 7 hours I returned home to my husband saying "did you take your camera with you??" he was surprised that I had. My intention had been to look for a photo opportunity but time let me down.
I used to carry a camera bag but felt like I stood out, so changed a rucksac handbag into my camera bag, now I carry my camera everywhere just in case! and dont feel so obivous. I have so many times in the past wished I had my camera with me, now I do and can honestly say I have become obsessed with doing my daily photo/photo's and love it ;-)
August 14th, 2011
I carry aroud 2-3 cameras each day and have only found myself without one a couple of times in the last half year since I started this project. My mind is almost always thinking "would this make a good shot? or this?".

There is always something special to capture each days but I have to say that there are alos days where it doesn't come quite so easily. But, it is a habit and a ritual now. Love it!
August 14th, 2011
Fab article which rang many a bell in my head. :)
August 14th, 2011
Some times I feel like a subversive here. Or worse - a cheat! But then I remember we each have our own reasons for engaging in this project. Mine is not at all about making a daily journal or finding a photo every day. I admire all of you who accept that kind of challenge. For me, this is about posting something I feel good about showing - more akin to something like completing a painting a day. Nonetheless, most of what I put up was taken within the preceding 24 hours. I love the dailiness of the project though - it has led me to take photos virtually every day, to see things differently, to learn something about processing which at the beginning I wouldn't have imagined would interest me so much. I can't imagine I'd miss a day - for me that part is taken very seriously - you won't find me posting a bunch of days at once - I make myself come up with something I'm happy enough to share. I can't get over how much my life has been affected by this effort and the connections to all the wonderful people/photographers here. I wouldn't have thought so much could be learned in this way.
August 14th, 2011
Tremendous article, it hit home. This project is for me and how I use it changes from month to month. Seeing the world through the camera, has changed how I view the world. Seeing others photos has probably changed my view even more. Kudos to Ross, 365project and to my friends out in cyberspace. Peace :)
August 14th, 2011
This is a great article, Emma. Thank you so much for sharing it!!
August 14th, 2011
That's a lovely article :]
August 14th, 2011
great article. and its true, it is a habit.
August 15th, 2011
So true. So true. I fell asleep last night wondering what I would shoot today. I got up with an idea in my head. As soon as it was light outside, I took my camera outside to capture the shot that was in my head upon awakening.
August 15th, 2011
So aptly put. It is definitely a lifestyle. This week I almost hate it and find it to be a struggle. But tomorrow, the zest will probably be back. I won't stop, even if it sucks the life out of me for a few days, or even if my mom makes fun of me and says, "Oh I found a gigantic flake in my Special K this morning...should've saved it for you to photograph."
August 16th, 2011
Super good article. I had no disagreements at all. I carry my DSLR in my bag, but my point-n-shoot in my purse at all times! I feel naked without having a camera within reach. Oh, and those days when the motivation isn't there - I MAKE myself go out & find something or I get all 'crazy feeling.' (LOL!) It's a habit I'm glad I'm addicted to! :-)
August 17th, 2011
I just read the article.It was right on.If I leave my house without my camera it's like leaving a part of myself at home!!I keep my Coolpix at ALL times and my D3100 I take when i suspect some really great photo opportunities!I wish I had started this hobby sooner!
August 17th, 2011
Glad to know I'm not the only person who doesn't feel complete without their camera. I had to visit a prison today (it's part of my job but it doesn't make it sound any better when I add I was driven there in a police car...) so of course I couldn't take my camera and I've felt like something has been missing all day.
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